Chapter 9

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"Distance means so little, when someone means so much." 

9 years earlier...

Sam, Steve, Wanda, and Bucky, one by one, came out of Nat's car. It was the first day of junior year and Farah still hasn't said a word to them. They all were taking her disappearance differently;

Sam, he was still calling and sending her text everyday. He was worried about her and respected that she needed space, so he just sent her updates about the group, so when she came back, she would be all caught up. He decided not to ask any personal questions, knowing she wasn't going to answer.

Nat; she was heartbroken that Farah left, but she didn't show it. Instead, she kept sleeping with Steve, and hoping it would ultimately make her forget about Farah, but it didn't. She kept to herself, but still went to the parties, though she never got drunk.

Steve; he was upset. He wished he could've done something more to help her, but he didn't. He blamed himself, and slept with Nat to try and get his mind away from her, but it didn't last very long.

Wanda; she missed Farah. Farah being the whole reason she hung out with these guys, Wanda felt off. Hanging out with the group, without Farah, made her sad. Even though she wanted Bucky all to herself, she couldn't help but wonder what would happen, if she would've left it alone.

Bucky; he didn't show how he felt, ever. He barely slept. He couldn't, knowing she was out there and not knowing if she was safe, kept him up at night. His eye bags got darker, and football was going downhill. The only thing that got him out of bed was Wanda. She helped him, and he appreciated it. He just wished it was someone else helping him.

They walked into school, and said their goodbyes as the first bell rang. Sam had his first class with Farah. He made sure to keep a seat next to him open, just in case.

Minutes went by, then hours went by and Farah didn't show up. It was around 12 and it was lunch. The group made their way to their usual lunch table and sat down. Everyone glanced at each other, and Nat broke the silence.

"That's enough with all this depressing bullshit. Did she show or not?"

"I didn't see her in first nor third period." Sam said.

"I didn't see her in second either." Wanda said.

"She wasn't in my fifth, or sixth." Bucky said.

"Okay well, Steve you have her in eighth, and I have her in ninth, so maybe she'll show?"

"Well we can mark not seeing her in seventh." Wanda said.

"Yeah. I wonder if she's okay." Steve said.

"It's Farah, she's always okay." Sam said, mostly to himself.

The doors opened and a tall muscular guy, with dark tattoos covering both his arms came in. On his side, a tall female was next to him. Her short light brown hair with darker brown highlights, catching the group's attention.

They all turned their heads to the two people walking through the door. They both had sunglasses on, and their outfits were stunning. The male wore an all black outfit- black tight fitted shirt, to show off his muscles, black jeans and black boots- and the female wore a black cropped shirt, with tan flared pants and her own pair of black boots. They took off their sunglasses as they approached an empty table and the group let out a gasp.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now