Chapter 48

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"You are my person." 

Present time...

Farah's POV

I walk into my apartment to find none other than Daniel.

"Hello, Daniel. How did you get into my apartment?" I ask as I set my keys down on the table.

"You gave me a key." He simply says as he sips on my beer.

I probably gave him a key while I was drunk, nonetheless. There's no way I would have given him a key if I was sober. That reminds me.

I pull my pack of cigarettes out of my bag and grab one from the pack.

While I'm fetching my lighter, I speak to him, "What are you doing here?"

"I came for sex. Why else would I come?" He asked as he started to unbuckle his pants.

I finally light my cigarette and I look him dead in the eye as I place it in my mouth. I blow out the smoke and laugh, "We haven't had sex in months...So why would you think that you can just come over when you want to?"

"Wasn't that our agreement?" He asked.

I take another swig of my cig. "Yeah, when I was single. I don't know if you have noticed, but I am not single."

"Really?" He asked like I'm lying to him or something.

I scoffed, "Yes. I'm in a happy relationship."

He hums and I want to punch the shit out of him. He stands there like I'm going to run towards him and suck him off. I roll my eyes as I continue to smoke.

"Well." He said like he's impatient.

"Well, get out." I said as I motioned to the door.

He shakes his head, "No."

I do a double take, "No?"

"I came here for you." He said.

I blink. I blink once, then twice, then three times, waiting for him to say he's kidding and he doesn't.

"Too bad. Leave."

He stays put and I eye the knife next to me. Two murders in one day... hmm. I'm really considering it.

He sighs then walks out of my apartment without another word. I sigh, solely because I actually wanted to see what he'd do if I raised a knife at him.

Next time.

I put on a pair of disposable gloves and take another swig of my cigarette before I throw it out.

I grab a piece of paper and a good- writing pen. I start writing out my message to those cops, who actually suck at their job, but who am I to say?

Detective Smith,

I was there at the night of the late Wanda Maximoff. I would like to tell you that I saw her body being dragged down towards the basement, but unfortunately, I did not see the person dragging her down.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now