Chapter 15

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TW: Drinking, Smoking, drugs, and attempted SA

"I found a way to survive my secrets, but everyone I care about gets hurt."

9 years ago...

This school year -junior year- was probably the weirdest year for the group. They barely hung out all together and only interacted a couple of times. Some of them thought it would be better if they had a break, to clear their heads, you know?

Some tried to get everyone back but it was difficult. Everyone decided that they'll just let their lives flow naturally, and if by some miracle, they become friends again, then so be it.

Farah, Steve, and Nat were the only ones who stayed. They hung out all the time- just the 3 of them- and honestly it was pretty fun. Farah managed to slow down her drinking, and only really drank at parties.

And the summer was filled with parties.

You're all probably wondering what happened to the unknown number that's been texting Farah. To answer, they've been MIA. Not sending one single text after what happened with Sam. Farah wondered why they didn't text back, but really, she was grateful.

The school year went by slow, no drama, no more secrets being spilled, and no new relationships.

The summer, however, was filled with drama, secrets, sex and lies.

But that will all be revealed with time....

8 years ago...

Beginning of senior year...

"Okay what about this one?" Farah asked as she turned her phone around to show Nat and Steve.

"I like the color." Steve said.

"Yeah. What are you buying that dress for?"

Farah shrugged, "I just want a new dress, Nat."

"We're still hanging out later right?" Nat asked as she zipped her bag.

"Duh." Farah said as she pressed 'confirm'.

"Okay, I've got to go to cheer, so talk to y'all later." Nat said as swung her bag over her shoulder.

"Bye babe." Farah said as she blew a kiss at her.

Nat laughed and walked out.

Farah pulled out her water bottle and took a long sip of it. Steve could smell the liquor from the bottle and ran his hand over his face.

"Really Farah? At school?" Steve whispered.

"What?" Farah shrugged, "I have it in a water bottle."

"Just because it's clear, doesn't mean you can bring it to school."

"Relax, I'm not hurting anyone." Farah said as she put the bottle back in her bag.

Steve sighed, "We're driving together right?"


"After school. You're still coming with me?" Steve clarified.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now