Chapter 21

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TW: Drugs and drinking. 

"People go but how they left always stays."

8 years ago...

"So they just asked us all the same thing?" Nat asked them. 

"Apparently. It's weird because they seem to think that none of us did it." Farah said.

"We didn't." Sam said.

"No, I know. I mean, I watch a lot of crime documentaries and it feels unnatural that we aren't on the suspect  list." Farah explained.

"Hm." Nat hummed.

"Maybe they do think that we did it and are just good at not showing it?"

Farah sighed, "Maybe Sam. But this is all so weird."

"1 week and nothing. No update, no calling in for further questioning, nothing." Nat groaned.

"I did not imagine my senior year like this." Farah said.

"Yeah, me neither. You guys are staying over?" Bucky spoke up.

"If you want us too." Farah said.

"Okay, I'll set up the beds for y'all." Bucky said as he left his room.

Sam watched Bucky leave his view, "How is he holding up?"

Farah shrugged, "Not sure. He doesn't really talk about it."

"I feel for him." Nat said, "Hopefully he finds it in himself to talk about it."

"Same." Sam said, "I tried to ask him how he was feeling, but he looked like he was going to punch me, so I backed off."

Farah let out a snort, "You wimp."

"Pussy." Nat muttered.

"No, stop. He's scary when he's angry." Sam defended.

"Sure, Sam." Farah said as she stretched. "I think I might go down to their office tomorrow."

"To see the pictures right?"

"Yeah. I've put it off for weeks and I need to see them." Farah said.

Sam cleared his throat, "I just can't believe no one saw how obsessed he was with you. That's some scary shit."

"Yeah and I slept with the bastard." Farah groaned, "I want to gargle bleach now."

Nat laughed, "Hey! I slept with him too. Pass me the bleach."

"Yeah, glad I can say I've never slept with him." Sam said proudly.

"Oh, fuck off." Farah said.

Sam laughed, "Sorry, but I'm going to brag about this for the rest of my life."

"I'm adding this to my list of trumas." Farah said as she got up, "I'm going to check on him."

"Have fun!" Nat mocked as Farah walked out.

Farah walked down stairs looking for Bucky and she heard glass clanging together. She walked towards the kitchen and peaked in. She saw Bucky downing a glass of brown liquor and setting it down harshly.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now