Chapter 2

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TW: Mentions of drugs. 

"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close." 

10 years earlier...

Farah rushed into the classroom, trying not to be later than she already was. It was sophomore year and Farah made a promise to herself that she would actually try this year.

She quickly made her way to her seat and slumped in her chair. She sighed as the teacher marked something down on her clipboard.

Natasha looked at her and nudged her with her elbow. Farah turned to look at her.

"Are you going to Sam's party later?"

Natasha; a beautiful redhead, with hair that reaches her shoulders, fair skin and green eyes. She is on the cheerleading team, but barely goes to the practices. Her family is rich, so she has a very good fashion sense, and her clothes are all designer. She is probably the realest friend you'll ever meet, she won't hesitate to call you out on your bullshit.

Farah groaned, "Shit, I forgot. I was planning on having that girl Wanda over. She was going to help me study." Farah ran her hand through her hair.

Farah; she was the definition of the life of the party. She has a reputation of going to most parties. She likes the rush and the hype that she gets from going to those parties and living like there's no tomorrow. She doesn't have the best relationship with her family; yes she lives with them, but she never speaks to them. If they knew what she was doing everyday, they'd probably send her off to boarding school. Farah is kind though, she cares deeply about her friends and puts everyone before herself. Which is odd for someone to do, when they can barely remember what they ate last night because of how much they smoke.

"Uh ew." Natasha made a face. "Come on, Farah. You're the life of the party! If you don't go, we all might as well not go."

"What about Wanda?"

"Bring her. She could use some... freedom."

Wanda; the nicest person you'll ever meet. Her long brown hair, and her fair skin tone, makes her one of the prettiest girls at this school. She is super smart, but usually hangs by herself, or with Farah. She's a huge introvert, but she doesn't mind.

Farah laughed, "Okay, okay I'll be there."

Natasha smiled at her words, "Yes!"

The day went by fairly slowly, all Farah could think about was the party later. She already told her parents she was staying at Wanda's so she mentally checked them off of her list.

She grabbed an apple before heading to their usual lunch table. Sam noticed her first and smiled.

"Ah there she is." Sam said as he greeted Farah with a side hug.

Sam; The jokester. He can make anyone and everyone laugh with a simple sentence. He's also really good looking, his darker skin tone with deep brown eyes, and his flashy smile. For being as funny as he is, he gives the best advice and is really wise, for someone his age.

"Here I am." Farah said as she sat down at the circle table. She was sitting next to Bucky and Nat.

"You're coming later right?" Steve asked as he bit into his burger.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now