Chapter 38

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TW:Drug use

"Why do we know  but act like we don't?" 

5 years ago...


It's been roughly a couple of months since Farah spoke to Bucky or Wanda. It's safe to say that she officially hates them both. She never imagined that Bucky would run back to Wanda so quickly.

She thought they had something, something special at least. He told her that he was going to wait for her, but did he mean that he was going to see other people until Farah was ready?

Farah asked herself all these questions but unfortunately got no answers. She still hung out with Loki but she has a feeling that he has feelings for her so she slowly distanced herself.

For some reason, it feels like her heart is reserved for Bucky Barnes.

She has been talking to Sam and Nat. They invited her to go on Nat's parents' yacht. Farah obviously was not going to say no. Nat told her they were meeting on top of the yacht, where the club was at.

Farah walked into the club and flashed her VIP access at the guard who then let her inside of the club that the group was currently in. Farah's black heels clicked against the floor as her thin shaped, black thigh high dress swayed along with her. Her leather jacket laid nicely on her shoulders as she came to a stop.

Wanda was sitting comfortably on Bucky's lap with his arm around her waist and hers around his neck. They were laughing. That boiled Farah's skin.

She walked up to them with a dirty smile on her face, "Hey guys."

Nat jumped up, "Hi! I didn't think you were going to make it!" Nat exclaimed as she took Farah by the shoulders and pulled her close to her, making sure to not spill her drink. Priorities.

"Of course, I came. You're my best friend." Farah said.

Nat pulled back and looked Farah up and down, "I'm loving the all black look. Really brings out your jet black hair."

Farah laughed, "I love your faded red into blond hair. Really brings out... your drink?"

Nat laughed, "Yeah, that wasn't funny. I have yet to get it touched up. Anyway, come sit."

Nat pulled Farah over to the seat next to her and pushed a drink in her hand. Farah accepted it with a smile and took a small sip.

"Hey." Sam said.

Farah looked over to him, "Hey!"

"How's it going?"

Farah dramatically shrugged, "It's not like I didn't talk to you yesterday, but everything is well."

Sam laughed, "It's good to see you in person."

Farah sighed, "I know. I missed you too."

"Hey." Wanda trailed off.

Farah looked at Wanda, "Hi?"

"So, you drink now?" Wanda asked Farah.

Farah shrugged, "Sometimes."

Wanda tilted her head, "I thought you were sober."

Farah mimicked her movements, "Did it ever occur to you why I started drinking?"

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