Chapter 41

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"I'm struggling to feel at home." 

4 years ago...

Farah just got home from her day at work. She works at her local bookstore. She slipped off her white shoes and placed them on the rug next to the door.

She took off her purse and hung it on the rack next to the rug. She wore a white long sleeve shirt that was tucked into her tan jeans. She sighed as she ran her fingers through her now light brown hair.

She was going to touch up her roots since they were very grown out, but she was tired of her black hair so she went back to her original hair color. She opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. She popped open the top and took a few gulps of it.

To her surprise, Loki wasn't home. Lately, he's been coming home late and leaving very early in the morning so Farah didn't see him all day. Not that she minded. She liked the peace and quiet, although Loki was never loud.

She liked his presence. She really did. Sometimes, she'd wished that he would be home more often because she missed having some human conversations. Yes, she talked to people at her job but it's not like they really know her.

Loki, on the other hand, somehow knew a lot about her. She thought that maybe he did some research on her. God knows she did. That first night they met, she knew there was something off about him.

After she finished packing, she opened her laptop and she googled the name 'Loki'. A bunch of articles about Loki popped up and Farah skimmed through most of them because they mostly talked about his business.

Apparently, he was a businessman. He took after his father. Farah scrolled down a little more to see his brother- Thor- was supposed to take after his father but he died of an overdose when he was a teen.

Farah was shocked when she found out Thor was his brother. She remembers the name Thor and how he overdosed but she never knew much about him.

She decided to do a little more research on Loki, and turns out, he wasn't a bad man. Also, why turn up a chance to live in a free house?

She was snapped out of her thoughts when a phone rang. She'd assumed that it was the house phone since her phone was on silent and Loki wasn't here.

She sighed as she set the beer down on the counter. She walked to the main room- living room- and she picked up the phone and saw there was no caller id.

She let out a small hum as she was about to press the button to answer it but the person on the other end stopped the call. She shrugged as he placed the phone back where it belonged. She made her way back to the kitchen to grab her beer and a bag of chips.

She grabbed the tv remote as she sunked down on the couch. She flipped through the channels and then the house phone chimed. Her head snapped towards the sound and she suspiciously picked it up.

She saw that there was a voicemail from the same no caller id. She pressed the voicemail and clicked 'play'.

"Hey, Loki. This is Clint. I started working for Bucky today, like you asked. Anyway, I called to ask you if there were any more messages you wanted me to send. We have sent them a message in a while and I think now would be a good time. Call me back when you get this."

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now