Chapter 32

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"Never. Trust. Anyone." 

Present time...

"Hey... where did you go?" Farah asked as she saw Bucky coming back into the room, slipping his shirt off.

"Something came up at the office."

"At 3 am?" Farah asked as she sat up and rubbed her tired eyes.

"Yeah. Remember when I said my employees are dumb?" Bucky asked as he pulled back the covers and slid in next to her.

Farah rolled over and placed her head on his chest, "What did they fuck up now?"

Bucky shook his head, "Security things that are too hard to explain to you."

Farah sat up with a raised brow, "Did you just call me dumb?"

Bucky softly caressed her face, "No. I just meant that it's too difficult to explain if you aren't there looking at it."

Farah narrowed her eyes, "I guess."

Bucky pulled her face gently towards his and placed a soft kiss on her lips, "Trust me, it's not fun. I would have much rathered I stayed here with you in my arms."

Farah smiled and laid her head back on his chest. She drew shapes along his chest with her fingers, "Buck?"

Bucky half opened his eye lids, "Hm?"

"I never apologize."

Bucky opened his eyes fully and looked down, "Apologize for what?"

"6 years ago... Do you remember?"

Bucky sighed, "The worst day of my life, but yes. I remember."

"I'm sorry for what I did."

Bucky shook his head, even though she couldn't see it, "No. I'm sorry. It was my fault and I should have never done that."

"I shouldn't have thrown the ring in your face."

"Farah." Bucky said firmly, causing her to look up at him. "Please stop trying to make excuses for my actions."

"I'm not. We both -equally- did horrible things. I'm glad that we rekindled though."

Bucky smiled at her words, "I am too. Those 2 years away from you... the most depressing years of my life."

Farah gave a sad smile, "Me too."

Bucky let out a low laugh, "Imagine if we never met on the sidewalk that day. How different our lives would be right now."

Farah tilted her head, "I know. I don't usually believe in fate or anything-"

"Don't say it." Bucky cut her off.

"I think our meeting that day was fate."

Bucky sighed, "I feel like fate is a dirty word."

Farah cocked her head, "How so?"

"I feel like once you say it outloud, everything just crashes down."

"Hm." Farah said, "I never thought about it that way. I don't know, I'm just a hopeless romantic so I guess fate means something more to me."

Bucky shrugged, "Maybe. I think we should get some rest."

Farah nodded and laid back down on his chest. Sleep took over them both fairly quickly and Farah's mind drifted away from what happened 6 years ago.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now