Chapter 46

117 6 13

TW: Murder

"What a plot twist you were." 

Present time...

Farah's POV

I stare down the man that's standing in the entryway of the bathroom.

My right hand goes into the back of my jeans and I hold what's in there tightly. Me and Bucky glance at each other before silently conversing our thoughts.

Our gazes both snap towards Sam who then raises his hands up in defense. "Hey, I didn't hear anything okay?"

He says with a small voice. He seems like he is trying to convince himself of that. I tilt my head at him, waiting to see if he was going to try and talk himself out of this.

"I was on my phone the whole time, I didn't hear your conversation okay? Just let me grab my bag and head to work. Please." He begged.

I just blinked at him while he begged for more things from me. I then feel my lips twitching up into a small smile. Sam takes a cautious step towards us, leaving the entryway of the bathroom. His hands are still up by his head and I can see the sweat dripping down his forehead.

He was nervous. Of course he was. He was about to die, after all.

He takes a few more steps until he's in the middle of Bucky and I. Bucky's back is facing the door, blocking it so Sam couldn't leave. Sam turns his head, only to see me standing behind him.

"Guys, come on." He said, breathless.

Bucky and I don't say a word as we watch our dear friend beg for his life.

Sam then drops his hands and in a swift motion, he runs towards the door, towards Bucky, and tries to push his way through.

Buck's hands shot out and it collided with his chest, pushing him back into me. Sam makes a noise of pain as he freezes. I'm standing there confused on why he is making such noise.

I look down to see my hand right next to a spot on his lower back. I pull my hand out slightly to see my blade embedded in his lower stomach.

I see the red starting to flow and it spreads over his shirt. I tilt my head as I peer over his shoulder and see blood leaking from his mouth and his eyes half shut, like they are trying to hold onto a sign of life.

With all my force, I yanked the blade from his lower stomach and Sam's body dropped to the floor with a thud. My hand shakes as the blade is covered in my dear friend's blood.

I watch how the breath slowly leaves Sam's body. His soul disappears from his body and now it's just a dead corpse. No sign of life, no pulse, nothing.

My gaze meets Bucky and he looks at me with disbelief. My eyes are slightly wide and I look between the corpse in his room and the love of my life.

Bucky slowly walked over towards me and carefully took the blade from my hand. He places it on the floor next to the corpse and he grabs a napkin from the bathroom. He gently takes my hand and opens up the fist I made.

He dabs away the blood that went on my hand, making sure to get every drop. I stand there, in shock, and just watch how effortlessly he cleans the blood from my hand.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now