Chapter 39

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"You didn't see that coming." 

5 years ago...

"Okay, Farah. Tell me everything you remember from that night." Smith said as she closed the door to her office.

Farah cleared her throat, "Okay well. I remember going to the club on Nat's yacht. We talked for a bit then Wanda and Bucky left to go dance. Nat, Sam, and I just caught up on our lives. Then we went to dance with Wanda and Bucky. We danced for maybe an hour. Then we went back up to our private room and drank some more. After we drank and went back to the dance floor, I started to feel dizzy. My vision blurred and I wasn't feeling myself anymore. I remember fragments. Like how Nat gripped onto me and somehow we managed to make it to the couch before everything went black."

Smith nodded as her pen worked quickly so she could catch every detail. "So after you came back down for the second time, you didn't see Wanda?"

"I think I saw her for a bit. Like I said, fragments." Farah said.

"Do you know if Wanda was drinking?" Smith asked as she sat on top of her desk.

Farah thought for a moment, "I believe so."

"Hm." Smith said. "So you didn't see Wanda as you and Nat made you way upstairs?"

Farah shook her head, "No. We didn't see her."

Smith nodded, "Okay. That is all the questions that I have. You may go."

Farah gave a small smile as she stood up and left. She walked out of the station and finally let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

She walked to her car and quickly got in, wasting no time to leave.


"Tell me, Bucky, what do you remember from that night?" Smith asked as she twirled the pen between her two fingers.

Bucky sighed, his eyes visibly red from crying and he spoke, "I remember Wanda dragging me to the dance floor. I told her I would dance with her so it could relieve all the awkward tension between us and Farah. We danced alone until they came over and danced with us. I remember us going back up for a drink then going back to dancing. After that, it's pretty fuzzy."

"Can you tell me anything you remember from after you went back down to dance?"

"Uh, I remember Wanda saying she was going to be right back then the room was spinning and my head hit the couch."

"Hm." Smith nodded as she wrote all of this down, "Very interesting."

Bucky nodded awkwardly as he clasped his hands together.

"So, your telling me you haven't seen Wanda since she told you she was going to be right back?"

"Yes. I also didn't see Nat for a while either. If I remember correctly." Bucky said with uncertainty.

"Oh." Smith said, shocked. "That's interesting too."

"Yeah." Bucky breathed out.

"Okay, well, that's all I have for today. You may go."

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now