Chapter 16

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~smut warning ;) 

"Fate had a weird way of circling back over paths that we're meant to cross." 

Present time...

The smell of pancake batter, the news playing softly, the sizzling of the food, woke Farah out of her slumber.

Farah moved the white cover from her face and stretched. She looked to her side, only to see the bed empty. She got up and left the room. She was confused on where to go, since she had never been at his house before, so she just went downstairs.

Trying to follow the noise of the tv, she finally made it to the kitchen. She found Bucky there-shirtless- making them food. She smiled to herself as she watched him cook.

"I didn't know Bucky Barnes could cook." Farah said as she leaned on the kitchen counter.

Bucky turned his head, "I didn't know Farah Hart could sleep for that long."

"I'm a changed woman." Farah joked.

"I can see that." Bucky said as he flipped a pancake.

"You remembered." Farah said with a smile.

"Of course." Bucky flipped another one, "How could I forget your obsession with pancakes."

Farah laughed, "It was a rough year okay."

"It sure was." Bucky agreed as he placed a couple of pancakes on a plate.

He walked over to where she was and placed the plate in front of her.

"Thank you." Farah smiled. "Looks delicious."

"You can sit over there." Bucky pointed to the dining room. "I suppose you don't want to stand while your eating my amazing pancakes."

"Remind me to not compliment you on them." Farah said as she grabbed her plate and went to the dining room.

Bucky laughed and grabbed his plate along with syrup and utensils. He went to the dining room and sat down across from her. He handed her the syrup and a fork and knife and she smiled at him.

Farah took a bite of the pancakes and almost let out a moan because they were so good. She didn't want to boost his ego too much.

Bucky smirked at her, "You can tell me they're good."

Farah shook her head, "They are very good."


After they finished eating, they still sat there staring at each other. They were both too full to move and to make conversation.

Farah started to feel awkward by the constant staring so she broke the silence, "What?"

"You're just beautiful." Bucky said with a small smile.

Farah let out a breathy laugh, "Stop it."

"I'm serious. I never thought I would see you again, but the other day when we ran into each other, it was almost like... "


It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now