Chapter 28

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"We are made of memories." 

8 years ago...

"What do you mean you saw Steve?" Bucky asked with a confused expression. There's no way she could've seen Steve if he was dead....

Farah shook her head, "I saw him."

Bucky raised a warning brow, "If this is some sick joke, tell me right now."

"Bucky, if you think I was lying about something like this, then you really don't know me."

"It's not that- it's just-" Bucky let out a breath, "How? I thought he was dead."

Farah lifted a shoulder, "I wish I knew. Maybe my mind was playing tricks but it was him."

Bucky sighed, "I really don't want to deal with this right now... let's grab our things and I'll take you home." Bucky said as he grabbed her hand.

Farah nodded as she followed him. She thought it would be best if she didn't speak right now.


"What took you so long?"

"They fucking followed me."

"The whole point was to go without being seen."

"Get this shit off of my face."

"Relax, it's just a mask."

"Yeah, that makes me look like a dead person. I even fucking died my hair."

"Get over it. Our plan isn't over. One of them will go down for this."



2 days later...

"He hasn't said a word?" Sam asked as he entered Farah's room.

Farah threw her hands up, "You could've knocked."

"Answer my question." Sam said, completely ignoring her.

"Yes. He doesn't want to talk about it." Nat said as she rolled her eyes.

Wanda and Nat were already over Farah's house for a sleepover.

Wanda played with her fingers, "Should we check on him?"

Farah shrugged, "I don't know. He doesn't want to believe that Steve was alive this whole time and he grieved for him."

Sam groaned as he rubbed his forehead, "How are we supposed to go to his funeral / memorial tomorrow if you saw the man we were honoring."

"Fuck." Farah groaned, "I forgot."

Nat shrugged, "I say let's see what happens. If he's in the casket then he's dead and Farah was seeing shit. If he's not, then our friend is apparently alive."

"Let's not get our hopes up." Wanda said way too quickly.

Nat cocked her head at her, "Why is that?"

Wanda shrugged, "What if he's really dead. We would be putting all this hope in something just to be let down."

"Fuck hope. It can honestly suck it." Farah said as she dramatically laid her head back on her pillow.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now