Chapter 6

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TW: Smoking and Drug use. 

"It's not the drugs that make a drug addict. It's the need to escape reality." 

Summer leading into junior year...

Bucky woke up and found his arm over Farah's waist. He quickly removed his arm and sat up. He checked the time on the clock and he was almost late to his morning practice. He quickly got ready and left a note on top of her phone.

He kissed her on the forehead before fixing the cover, so it was more on her. He then left, leaving her by herself.

A couple hours later, Farah woke up. The bright light from the sun, shining right in her face. She groaned as she turned around, pulling the covers over the face more. She opened her eyes, once she was turned around, and found an empty space next to her. She reached behind her and grabbed her phone, along with the paper.

She opened the note and read what he wrote, 'I have morning practice, I'll see you later! -B.B'

She sighed after reading the note, she was hoping they could hang out today. Farah got out of bed and grabbed her belongings. She quietly left his house, not sure if anyone was here because it was so quiet.

She flung her bag over her shoulder, and made her way to where she was staying. She knocked on the door once she arrived, and a guy opened up the door.

"Hey, Rick." Farah smiled as he opened the door.

"Hey kid, where have you been?"

"I was hanging with a friend." Farah said as she went up the stairs, "I'll talk to you later!"

Farah made her way up to her 'room'. It wasn't hers, but Rick let her stay. She met him through drugs, and he sometimes deals her stuff. He found out what her situation was, and offered her a place to stay.

Farah was living in the streets when he offered so of course she took it. She headed upstairs and took a quick shower and put on new clothes. She wore an oversized grey sweater, with black leggings and her white shoes. She packed a couple things, and made her way to the roof.

Farah loves to sit on the roof, usually she will read, but she hasn't read in a long time. She feels like you have to be in the right mood for a good book. So she sits in the corner, where she leans her back against the wall, and her feet are pulled up to her chest.

By the way she's sitting, if she leaned over a bit she could probably fall, but she sits there for the view of the city. Chicago's city is definitely really pretty, and has its moments.

She grabs her bag and goes through it, pulling out a cigarette she stole from the store. She lit the cigarette and put the light back into her bag. She placed it in her mouth and she inhaled and then exhaled the smoke out.

Farah sits there for a long time. She finished her cigarette, and was tempted to take another one, but she decided not to. She stared into the beautiful city and tried to take her mind off things.

When you sit for hours and do nothing, your body becomes tired. That's what Farah's body did. It became tired and her eyelids slowly shut as she leaned against the wall.


"I don't know where she is! She's not picking up!"

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now