Chapter 44

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"The. Truth. Always. Wins." 

Present time...

Farah's POV

His hands wrap around my torso as I try to roll off of the bed. He's been at my apartment all day and he still won't let me go. We've been laying here in bed talking, kissing, having sex. You'd think he would've gotten tired of me by now.

"Buck." I whined as I tried to move out of his grip. I promised Loki and Clint that I would meet them today and I need to get ready.

"No. Where do you have to go?" He asked me.

I gave him a look, "Work." I mean that wasn't a total lie. I did have to work in an hour but I also was meeting them at my job.

"Fine." Bucky said defeatly. "I'll drive."

I laughed, "Okay. Give me 45 minutes."

Shockingly, I was able to get ready fast. I didn't wash my hair and I just touched it up with my flat iron. My hair is pretty long. It reaches the middle of my back.

I decided to wear this red velvet tank top with my light blue flared jeans and my black platform shoes to match my purse. No, I wasn't going anywhere special, but I like to dress nice... sometimes.

I grab myself a beer before I head downstairs to meet Bucky. He was leaning on his sleek black car, typing something on his phone. I approached him and he lifted his head to look at me.

I saw his eyes trail up and down my body and I gave a smirk, "Hey."

"You look gorgeous, Farah." He said as he pushed himself off of his car.

He opened the passenger door for me and I smiled as I got in, "Thank you."

He closed the door and went around to get in. We were at my job in 10 minutes. I gave him a kiss before I got out.

"Bye, I'll come over later. I love you." I told him with a genuine smile.

He returned the smile with words of his own, "I love you."

For some reason, Bucky rarely ever says 'too' when saying 'I love you'. He says that it feels different when he just says those 8 letters instead of adding the extra 3. I didn't mind it though.

I walked into my job and they were not here yet. I grabbed my apron and tied it around my waist. We aren't required to wear it but I don't want to ruin my nice shirt so I decided to wear it today.

For the past hour, I've been serving drinks to many different people. It's crazy how much people can drink before 10 pm. Props to them, though.

A familiar rich accent echoed through my ears, "Hello, Darling."

I don't look at him as I'm pouring a drink, "Nice of you to finally join me."

He laughed, "I shall take my seat over there. Come when you're ready."

I glanced at him, "Okay. Give me 10 minutes."

I saw him nod before he walked away with Clint who gave me a subtle nod.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now