Chapter 33

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"Did it ever occur to you that you are not his only secret?" 

Present time...

Bucky poured him a glass of whiskey and quickly downed it before a knock on his door was heard.

"Come in." He said in a hoarse voice.

Tony popped his head through the door, "Your father just arrived sir."

Bucky nodded and Tony slipped his head out and shut the door. Bucky ran his hand through his hair a couple of times and quickly slid his hands down his dress pants, trying to get rid of the nonexistent wrinkles.

The door flew open and heavy footsteps were heard. Bucky's father then slammed the door behind him and made two quick strides over to the desk. He harshly threw down a large, thick file and huffed.

Bucky eyed the file then looked up at his father, "Hello to you too."

His father tilted his head in anger, "Son. This is no time for jokes. Sit down and look over this ridiculous file."

Bucky cleared his throat and grabbed the file before taking a seat. He calmly and slowly looked through the file. He then closed it and placed it back on the table, sliding it over to his father.

"You pulled out the financial records and my attendance. I already know." Bucky said with confusion in his tone.

His father laughed. He laughed loudly before slamming his fist on the table, "You think I'm dumb? I know what I pulled, you idiot."

Bucky blinked at him, his mouth in a thin line, "Did you want me to acknowledge the fact that you can pull simple files or is there another reason why you showed me this?"

His father was fuming with rage, he wanted to ride his fist into his son's face but he took a deep breath instead, "You've been taking off work a lot recently."

"I know."

"If you really looked at the files, you would know that since you've been taking off work, sales have been going down."

"I know."

"So why have you been taking off from the job that I provided for you!" His father yelled as he stood up abruptly.

"I'm 30 years old and I have a life."

His father scoffed, "No you don't. You have what I give you and right now, the only thing that matters is that this business is the best fucking thing on the market!!" He yelled.

Bucky slowly wiped his face of the spit that came from his fathers mouth, "Don't you want this company to keep running after your gone?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I fucking do."

"Then let me live my life, so I can reproduce." His father narrowed his eyes. "You know what reproducing means right?"

His father swiped Bucky's desk and all these things smashed into the floor, "Say one more sarcastic thing to me and you'll be walking out of here with a black eye." He threatened as Bucky bit his lip to try and avoid laughing.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now