Chapter 29

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TW: Drugs


The healer

And the


8 years ago...

1 week until graduation...

Pounding on the door snapped Farah out of her mind. She spent all of last week doing research. She wanted to find out who killed Steve and since the police weren't doing anything, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Farah! You've been hauled in that room for over a week! How do I know you're not dead?" Nat yelled as she continued to pound her fist against the door.

"I'm alive." Farah shouted back as she jotted something down on her notebook.

"Let me in!" Nat yelled and pressed her ear to the door. She didn't hear anything and she sighed.

Bucky nudged Nat with his elbow, "Tell her we brought food."

Nat nodded, "We brought food!"

Farah's head shot up as she started to quickly put all her papers together and shut her laptop. Nat and Bucky glanced at each other as they heard shuffling in the room.

Farah swung open the door and Nat jumped back in surprise.

"Well that's one way to get her out." Sam said from behind them.

Farah's hair was in a messy bun and she had a pencil stuck in there. Her face was bare and she was wearing the same pajamas from 2 days ago.

"What were you doing in there?" Nat asked as she stood on her tiptoes to try and see behind Farah.

Farah stepped forward and closed the door behind her making sure to lock it. She gave an awkward smile and cleared her throat, "What'd you guys bring?"

"Why are you dodging my question?" Nat asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm busy doing... college things." Farah said awkwardly as she walked downstairs.

Nat laughed out loud, "College things? Yeah okay."

"What? Is it so bad that I want to have a future?" Farah asked.

"No. It's just that you never mentioned anything about college so I assumed you weren't planning on going."

"You never asked." Farah retorted as she opened her fridge.

"As a sorry for assuming, I brought your favorite." Nat said as she gestured to the white bag on the counter.

Farah raised a brow as she eyed the bag, "Did you get extra chicken?"

Nat gave her a knowing look, "Of course I did."

"Then I forgive you." Farah said as she reached over the counter and grabbed the white bag, pulling it closer to her.

"We're here too!" Sam called from the couch.

"Right... Hello Sam. Hello Bucky." Farah said as she pulled out her carton.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now