Chapter 42

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"Your future needs you. Your past doesn't."

2 years ago...

Farah moved back to Chicago. Before she did though, she made sure to check the whereabouts of her friends.

Nat stayed in Los Angeles, while Bucky and Sam were in New York. Perfect, Farah thought as she bought her ticket a few days ago. She decided to rent a hotel until she could find herself some place to live.

She sat on the hotel bed and reached forward for her laptop. She opened it up and went into a google doc. From there, she started to jot down, in bullet points, all the things she currently knows.

She knows how Loki and Clint took the messages over from Wanda. In the footage from Steve's death, someone has red hair- maybe Nat. They were all drugged when Wanda was killed so she had nothing to really jot down there. She also jotted down that Clint worked for Bucky now, along with Stark- her old drug dealer. She found that out on his facebook.

Now, Farah stared out into oblivion as she tried to remember more things. Her brain was like a dead end. She would go down this path that was filled with memories, but the pathway would soon stop after she thought she was finally getting somewhere.

She sighed heavily as her brain functions turned and turned, searching through every memory of her's like they were files. Something went off in her head. A file was pulled and light was flashed on it so she could see it.

There was something about Wanda's death that she put aside. Her body was never found. When the cops did a sweep of the yacht, they never found her body so they ruled the case as a homicide case.

Farah decided to jot down that Wanda's body was still somewhere stranded, if she even was really dead. But, this whole situation was weird. Everything about it was sketchy.

Why haven't they found Wanda and it's been 3 years. Why haven't they found Steve's killer and it's been 6 years. Farah was starting to think that these cops have no idea what they are doing.

Or, was Steve's and Wanda's killer so good that they covered all of their tracks? Farah wondered, who could be that ruthless to want to kill these teenagers; who could be so good at covering up teenagers' deaths?

Farah then sighed again. She sighed because with all these theories running inside her mind, she never got an answer. Not one.

It's a weird thing, how murders work, how the investigation works, basically how everything works.

One minute, someone is on the verge of dying and by the next, they are already dead. Their heart slowly stops pumping, the blood stops flowing, the mind slowly shuts down while the breaths come to a stop.

Then the body is limb. The body is dead. The body is no more. The body is just another thing that the police will send to be morgue so they can rule out a full autopsy.

Then the soul slowly flows out of the dead, limb, body and is sent up or down. It's sent somewhere that no one knows of, because the only people who can tell them are already dead.

Then the body either gets buried 6 feet deep or gets cremated. Steve, he was buried 6 feet deep before they dug him up to put him into a casket just to bury him once again.

Those poor bodies. Those poor people who have to touch those dead bodies. Those poor people who have to see those dead bodies with clothes on at their funeral. Those poor souls who are doomed with destruction.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now