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TW: suicide mention

 "It's always a bit tragic really. The love stories with no real ending." 

Present time...

Farah slipped on a black lace tank top along with her grey dress pants, her black belt and black heels. She wanted to feel powerful and what's more powerful than lace?

Farah walked out of the private jet that Bucky owned. Yes, she forgot that he had it and once she found out, she paid the pilot 1 million dollars to keep his mouth shut and fly.

Farah pulled a cigarette from her pocket along with a lighter. She lit the cig and placed it in her mouth, inhaling a long breath.

She blew out the smoke and the smoke flew all around her. Farah got into one of Bucky's cars and the driver didn't ask a single question when she told him to take her to where Nat was currently rotting.

The car came to a stop and the driver hurried out of the car to open Farah's door. She stepped out of the car and walked to the front door. Her heels clacking against the pavement, her straightened hair flowing behind her because of the wind. Her lips twitching up into a smirk as she pulled open the door.

She was met with someone at the front desk along with four cops by her side. She looked at every cop before walking up to the front desk.

"How can I help you ma'am?" The lady asked her.

"I would like to see Natasha Romanoff." Farah said with all confidence.

"Can I have a name?"

"Farah. Farah Hart."

"Okay, Farah, you can follow him to the visiting room." The lady told her as she pointed to the cop to her left.

The cop nodded his head, motioning Farah to follow him. Farah cleared her throat and muttered a 'thank you' then walked behind the cop.

After all of these twists and turns, the cop opened the door and motioned his hand out for Farah to walk inside and take a seat. She gave him a small smile along with a nod and went to take a seat.

She placed one of her legs over the other and leaned back in her chair, waiting for Nat to appear.

5 minutes later, two cops walk in with Nat behind them and two more cops behind her. Her wrists were handcuffed and they were connected to the handcuffs on her ankles.


Nat's undereye bags were a faded purple and she had a small bruise on her forehead. Her hair was in a braid down her back and her eyes were numb. Her whole face was numb.

But when Nat caught sight of her visitor, her eyes turned from numb to passion. Passion to kill the woman sitting with a smirk on her face.

"Hello, Natty." Farah said when Nat approached the seat across from her.

The cop pushed Nat into the seat then took a couple steps back to give them some privacy.

"I would ask how you are, but I think I can tell by the undereye bags."

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now