Chapter 52

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smut ;)

"A wound so long removed, yet still fresh and open and sore." 

Present time...

A couple of days later...

Farah and Bucky went on a walk across a bridge. They are hand in hand, exploring the sites that Paris has to offer. Farah walks over to the railing and leans over just a bit to see the sparkling water down below.

"Buck! Come look!" She shouts over her shoulder.

Bucky comes over next to her and leans over the railing to see the water.

"Beautiful right?" Farah asks as she is amazed by the clearness of the water.

"Yeah. It's truly beautiful." Bucky says.

Farah turns around and leans her back against the railing, looking up at the sky. The sun is setting and it has a beautiful glow in the sky. Farah closes her eyes for a moment as she breathes in.

Bucky watches how calm she is and can't help but smile. A sense of sadness washes over him as he wonders what life could be like if Steve was here to witness this beautiful time.

Sometimes, Bucky wishes he was still here. Yes, he did have a good reason to kill him but it doesn't get rid of the fact that he loved him like a brother. They were family after all.

Bucky's smile slowly fades as Steve flashes his mind. A memory that Bucky suppressed, played in his mind like a movie...


13 years ago...

"Aw, come on! You never let me win, dude!" Teenage Steve groaned as he slammed the remote down on his lap.

Teenage Bucky chuckled, "Sorry man. You are just bad at the game. I think it's time for you to start accepting that."

Steve rolled his eyes, "Come on. One more match before I leave?"

"Alright, Bud. You're on." Bucky grinned as he pressed start at the game.

Steve and Bucky's fingers moved at a tremendous speed as they tried to shoot all the zombies in the game before they ate them. Steve got one kill as Bucky already racked up 5.

"Slow down man." Steve said as he sat up straighter, trying to focus.

"If you lose, you won't be the best man at my wedding." Bucky stated as Steve let out a small gasp.

"Now that's unfair." Steve said as he shot 2 more zombies.

"I have to raise the stakes." Bucky grinned once more as he shot at a zombie but missed and Steve went for the kill and got it instead.

"Stop taking my kills."

"Then stop making horrible ultimatums." Steve shot back.

Bucky groaned as Steve took another one of his kills. The match was ending in 30 seconds and Bucky had 23 kills while Steve had 20.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon