Chapter 34

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"Everything has an end."

6 years ago...

Summer ...

"You hate it? I knew it." Farah sighed as she ran a hand through her now black hair.

"No-no, It's different. That's all." Bucky said and Farah gave him a look.

"It's either you like it or you don't." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Bucky sighed and took her face in his hands, "You look beautiful no matter what hair color you have. I think it looks good. A nice change."

Farah smiled and melted into his hands, "Thank you. I was so scared that I would look bad but the more I look at it, the more I'm falling in love with it."

Bucky laughed, "You definitely are something else."

Farah leaned up to kiss him but abruptly pulled back, "Shit!" She said as she get out of Bucky's embrace and ran to her phone.

Bucky looked at her, "What?"

"We were supposed to meet them at the party...." Farah looked at the time on her phone, "30 minutes ago." She groaned as she slipped on her heels.

"Shit, you're right."

Farah wore this silk champagne dress that went up to her thighs. She wore clear heels with the dress.

She grabbed her phone and followed Bucky downstairs. Bucky grabbed his keys and his phone and opened the front door for her.

Farah smiled as she went to walk out the door, Bucky shot his hand out and stopped her.

"I think you're forgetting something." He said with a smirk.

Farah rolled her eyes as she tilted her head up and placed a small kiss on his lips. Bucky hummed as she kissed him. She placed a hand on his chest and pulled back.

"You have lipstick on your face." She said as she walked out.

Bucky groaned as he went to the bathroom to clean his mouth off.

When they arrived at the party Nat was throwing, she failed to mention that there would be drugs here. Bucky texted Nat beforehand to make sure that only drinks are here but she failed to uphold what he asked.

Farah tried to pay no mind to it as Bucky held her hand and they walked to the backyard.

Sam and Wanda were sitting on the chairs outside talking. They went up to them and sat next to them.

"Hey!" Farah said as she sat down next to Bucky.

"Hey, Farah! I love the hair!" Wanda said as she flashed a huge smile.

"Yeah, you look goth now but I dig it." Sam said with a shrug.

"You dig it?" Bucky blinked at him.

Sam snorted, "I'm done." he said as he downed the rest of his drink.

"Bucky, I see you got a haircut too?" Wanda said as she crossed one leg over the other.

Bucky laughed awkwardly, "Uh yeah."

"Looks good." Wanda said as she seductively looked at him.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now