Chapter 51

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"Love isn't random, we are chosen." 

Present time...

3 months later...

Farah and Bucky made it to Paris around 3 months ago. They decided to stay in Paris for a month but ended up staying longer because they love the city. They rented out a one bedroom apartment, which they share, and they are having a good time.

Nat is still in jail and there haven't been any other updates about her. Some people don't think it's her but the majority do. Detective Smith thinks it's her, and that's all that matters.

Farah is laying on Bucky's chest with her arms draped over his torso and his hands are playing with her shortened light brown hair.

Farah sighs in content, "I love this." She mutters into his chest.

"I love this too." Bucky replies back as he starts to give her a slow head massage.

Farah smiles against his chest, but it slowly disappears when thoughts flood her mind. The past couple of weeks, Bucky has been ... off.

Almost like he regrets doing what they did. That put a ton of weight on her shoulders. She had to make sure that he was not about to screw this all up for them. They worked so hard, fought so much just to be where they are now.

And she will not let him be the one who screws that up.

She'll die before that happens.

Bucky notices her change in mood. He leans down and places a long kiss on her head, "You okay?"

Farah nodded, "Mhm. Just thinking." Farah says as he gives him a small smile.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"

"I'm thinking about what we're going to do tomorrow." Farah smirks.

Bucky had accidentally told her that tomorrow was going to be the best day of her life. Now, that's all Farah can think about.

Bucky laughs, "Stop it. Don't think about it. Forget I said anything."

Farah turns over so now she's on her stomach. She rests her hand on his chest and places her chin on top of her hand, "I can't! Literally my mind is spinning trying to think about what you have planned for tomorrow."

Bucky shakes his head with a smile, "God- I can't ever keep anything from you."

Farah chuckles lightly, "You just love me too much. I got you all wrapped around my little finger." She says as she sticks up her pointer finger, mimicking what she was saying.

Bucky rolls his eyes, "No, you don't. Maybe I just like making you happy."

"By doing everything I say?" Farah raises a brow.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now