Chapter 47

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"Love brings 

Many things, 




Present time...

Farah's POV

As I walk out of Bucky's office, I swipe my phone from my back pocket. I pull up the call log and I press on Loki's name. While the call is ringing, I raise my phone to my ear and wait for him to answer his phone.

"Darling." Loki said as he answered his phone. "Why'd you run off?"

I sigh, "I'll explain later but... I need your help."

I heard Loki shuffling on his end of the call and I placed my hand on my hip, waiting for him to answer.

"With what?" He asked.

"I need you to locate Nat's yacht." I said as I unlocked my car door.


I groaned, "Must you ask so many questions."

"I just need to know if I'm doing anything illegal."

I let out a bitter laugh, "No. I just need to locate her yacht so I can grab something of mine."

"Why not just ask her yourself."

I internally groaned this time, "Because she isn't speaking to me right now and what I need is very important."

"Well, in that case, I will find her yacht for you." Loki said.

I sighed out of relief, "Thank you so much, Loki."

"In return-"

I ended the call before he had a chance to say anything else.


Bucky's POV

After running around, I find out that Nat is staying at her studio apartment, which I did not know she had but apparently she does.

I knocked on the door harder this time. For some reason, Nat is taking way too long to answer. When I raise my fist up to knock again, the door swings open before I have a chance too.


"Who else would it be?" I asked as I pushed my way through her door.

"Why are you here?" She asked me as she closed her door.

"Did you not get my text?" I asked her and she shook her head. I groaned as I pulled out my phone, "This damn thing." I said to my phone. "It's so confusing."

Nat muffles a laugh as she walks over towards me and snatched my phone out of my hand. I go to protest but she sticks her index finger in my face, telling me to wait.

"You didn't even press send." She said,

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yes." She blinked at me with no expression.

It Happened That Summer ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now