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Beyonce pov:

"Here junie" I said giving her the cereal I made her.

"Finally" she said making me raise a eyebrow. "That's not what you say" I said crossing my arms.

"Tank yew dada" she said giving me a innocent smile. "Mhm" I rolled my eyes walking away from her.

"Dada done !" I heard khyson say making me look over at him.

"Good job baby, you can go play" I said kissing his head and picked up his bowl.

He smiled hopping out the seat and running off. "When y'all done leave the plate on the table and you can go, ok ?"

Nobody said nothing making a frown come on my face. These some bad ass kids.

"Did y'all hear what I said ?!" I raised my voice.

"Yes dada" they all said "Ok then answer me next time" I said walking away.

"Beybear" I heard onika whimper and looked over to see her standing at the end of the stairs teary eyed.

I sighed walking up to her "what happened baby" I asked picking her up and starting my way back upstairs.

"I had another nightmare" she said stuffing her face in my neck.

"Why do you keep leaving ?" I heard her ask. "I have to do stuff" I said kissing her cheek.

I took her in the room and laid her down. "You have to get up in a minute mama, I'm taking you and solo to the doctor" I said grabbing my phone.

I turned it on calling solange.


"Are you up ?"


"Well get up I'm taking you to the doctor"

"I don't wanna g-"

"You have to"

"Bey please... I just wanna forget about it"

"No solange ! That's not the way trust me"

"How would you know ?! You don't know how it feels !"

"I know exactly how it feels !!"



"How would you know beyonce ?!"



"just get up..you need to see a doctor"

"juju i-i just don't wanna th-ink about it"

"You have to think and talk about it to help you heal from it"

"You never talked about what happened to you"

"And you see how fucked up I am"

"I don't think that"

"Solange I strangled you when we was kids"

"And I use to bite people" she said making me chuckle some

"Beyonce can you just let me handle this on my own"

"No I need to be there for you"

"No you don't"

"I want to"

"And I don't want you to.. I really just want to be left alone"

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