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Beyonce pov:

I walked around outside high off my ass.

It was my way of clearing my mind in here. I haven't talked to onika in a few days and i'm still thinking about everything that happened.

I heard that if you keep thinking about somebody then most likely they're thinking about too.

But for some reason I feel like she's not thinking about me.

I keep thinking about what if she does find somebody that treats her great while i'm in here.

I wouldn't be able to do nothing about it this time. I'll just have to accept it and keep it pushing.

I just want to talk to her and tell her I love her.. But she doesn't want to talk to me.

I still call her with the hope she'll pick up. But in taystee words 'She's done with my ass'.

"You ok ?" kim asked walking up to me. "No" I said dryly.

"It's cold out here. You're gonna get sick" she said. "I'm trying to deal with my pain in a healthy way" I said.

"And this is what you call healthy ?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm exercising" I shrugged.

"But you're still on drugs" she said pointing to my eyes.

I didn't say nothing I just kept walking and she sighed stopping me "What are you doing ?" she asked.

"I'm getting better" I said mugging her. "No. What are you really doing ?"

"Mmcht. What do you mean ?" I asked. "You don't really wanna get better. Not doing this stuff" she said shaking her head.

"I don't know what else to do !" I exclaimed. "Calm down" she said softly.

"You wanna get better than get a journal" she said "A journal ?" I asked looking at her weirdly.

"Yes. Write down your emotions when you get upset, you should also right down things you're happy for everyday it helps you focous on the good things in life" she said and I nodded.

"Meditate and pray too. You gotta try to be more positive" "What if that don't work ?" I asked.

"It will work. It's up to you if you're gonna allow it to work or not" she said "ok" I said lowly nodding.

"Now go inside before you get sick" she said pointing to the building.

I walked away from her heading to the door. I'm gonna get better.

Onika pov:

My finger hovered over the call button while I tried to decide if I wanted to call megan or not.

I've been seeing her and talking to her over the past days so i've gotten to know her more.

One thing I picked up on is she's very dominate and is quick to check me about stuff. She's also very nice though which makes me love being around her.

"fuck it" I mumbled pressing the call button.

It rung for a few seconds then she picked up

"Hey baby, miss me already ?"


"Aww that sucks cause I miss you" she said making me smile.

"well then maybe I miss you too" I mumbled and she chuckled.

"What's up ?"


"Nothing ?"

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