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Beyonce pov:

I stood over onika holding a freezing cold cup of water.

Her body temperature is hot and I need to cool it off some.

I dipped my hand in the water then put it on her face. She gasped jumping up and looking around.

"Beyonce what are you doing ?" she asked weakly.

"I'm sorry baby, but I need to cool you off" I said before pouring the water on her.

She gasped again and I quickly grabbed the towel I brought wrapping her in it. "b-bey that's not how you cool me off" she said shivering.

"What did you do to her ?" megan asked walking in.

"I cooled her off, What was you doing ?" I said mugging her.

"Watching the kids" she said crossing her arm.

"oh yea" I mumbled turning away from her.

"i'm ok I just wanna go to sleep" onika said laying back down. "No you need to get up and eat" I said pulling her up.

"Be careful with her dumb ass" megan said and I glared at her.

"I'll hold you" I said picking onika up. She sighed laying her head on my shoulder.

I grabbed her blanket putting it over her "I think we just need to dip her head in ice water. Ouu she can do the ice bucket challenge" I said smiling.

Onika giggled lowly sniffing after. "You say the dumbest stuff" megan said shaking her head.

"Shut up big friendly giant" I said walking away hearing her gasp.

Onika laughed again quietly "you funny" she said lowly.

"I know" I said walking her into the kitchen.

"Now look what I made you ! It's a sandwich but I cooked it !" I said pointing to the sandwich I made her.

Megan had me doing all kids of crazy shit to make this sandwich. She made me cook the bread, then cook some bacon that took forever to get right. All the bacon is gone now. Then she made me get some extra meat and do all kinds of stuff you not supposed to do.

When I asked to make a sandwich I was talking about balony out the refrigerator, with cheese and mayonnaise.

I don't want to make food with her no more cause now she wanna teach me how to cook everytime.

I can just eat breakfast anytime i'm hungry.

But I am glad Iearned how to make that sandwich because it's good. But that's it !

I don't wanna spend no more time being in a hot ass kitchen slaving just to get some simple food.

That's why I ask onika to.

"You made it all by yourself ?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

"Mhm" I nodded smiling.

"Are you lying ?" she questioned.

"Why do you think i'm lying ?" I asked mugging her.

"Because bb, I remember one time me and you did the nasty you made me a sandwich after and it was bread, cold cheese, cold meat, and mayonnaise"

"That's a good sandwich" I said nodding.

"Mhm.. Did megan help you make this ?" "Yes I did" megan said walking in making me roll my eyes.

"Don't you got school or something ?" I asked "It's saturday"

"Oh" I mumbled. "And y'all called me here to baby sit, remember ?" she said.

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