Chapter 201-205

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Chapter 201

[IlHan, what are you doing right now?]

Liera asked in a kind voice. Yu IlHan replied in a bright voice, while pouring a sticky black liquid in the Giant Bucket.

"I'm filling my bath!"

[I know that you're using the Giant Bucket to replace your baths nowadays. And it definitely does feel good, and it does feel like the internal mana is stimulated.....]

"So you know!"

Yu IlHan made a blinding smile. Meeting someone that liked the same thing as you was a happy thing. Yu IlHan was no exception, and he felt happy. He was also happy that he could give a nice bath to Liera. Of course, he wished she'd refrain from coming in together, completely nude.


Yu IlHan's smile was a heart-thumping attack for Liera who liked him. Liera momentarily forgot what she was about to say and stared at him, before coming back to herself and raising her voice.

[B, but why are you filling the bath with the blood of the perverted vibration demon!]

"To be exact, it's mixed with dragon blood at a 3:7 ratio, and had undergone simple mana crafting with 4th class magic stone powder."

[Same thing! No, wait, when he hell did you learn to mana craft on blood? The poison and curse would be enhanced!]

Yu IlHan sighed and replied.

"That's what I wanted."

[You might really be in danger at this rate.....?]

"I can't help it though, there are no monsters that have potent poison and curses left!"

[And so you 'can't help' but bathe in curse and poison!? Are you crazy!?]

"It's fine. I already did the calculations."

The Giant Bucket reacts sensitively to dragon materials. That was why he mixed dragon blood with the vibration demon's blood. And in reality, the blood and the Giant Bucket was resonating, so at this rate, the poison would disappear sometime and give birth to a completely new material.

The reason he mana crafted was also to make the poison and curse last longer without dissipating. To him who was absorbing the majority of the magic engineering knowledge, this bloodbath was finished under his meticulous calculations.

Yu IlHan was sure that there would be no problems. If there were any, it would be the pain due to the curse and the poison, but this was something he had to endure in order to train skills, so that didn't matter.

[Wouldn't your skin turn green or something?]

"Enough of your worries."

Yu IlHan ignored Liera's worries and took off all his clothes. This time, Liera didn't mention anything about bathing together and just watched him.


Before he took a bath, he checked the defense system of the fortress and renewed the settings to endure even if a higher existence attacked. Then he entered the blood bath without hesitation.


[You alright? Are you ok!?]

Liera asked the moment he exclaimed as he entered. Yu IlHan wordlessly shook his head and submerged his body in it.

"Hhm, hmmmmmmmmm."

[Are you really fine? Really?]

Yu IlHan honestly spoke his opinion.

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