Chapter 50

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I know this is late coming, but by editing and rewriting its even longer so its worth it, I promise!!!!!

Also WOOOO, Chapter 50!! The halfway mark guys!!!

LMFAO, jk, I ain't on that madness - this book will not be that long, we probably have like 20 chapters left.


Kalem's P.O.V

I only get broken glimpses.

With only this narrow vision of the world from over a shoulder, I could only see abrupt shimmers of gold and black that tore across the sky above me, painting the once perfect purple with intrusive strokes of darkness.

There was so much pain.

The type you felt in your bones, deeper than the magic in your veins.
The kind of pure agony that only chance of escape was to come out in hollow screams.

These lands that should've been covered in gentle pastels and full of life and love, were now lined from side to side by vicious scorch marks.

Up above, so many fell to the ones who disappeared from place to place, with their massive sharp wings that were just as black as the land they were destroying below.

The land we were on... We weren't supposed to be down here.

I close my eyes, wanting to hide away but there was no way to hide from that horrible smell, a mix of ash and rotting flesh that felt like it was inside of me.

They'd been people, but now, they could only float through the winds as specs.

It hurt to see it all, but it hurt even more to feel the way nature was hurting too.

Everything was dying around us, and there was no way to stop it.

When a small cry tries to crawl up my throat, the arms carrying me, tighten brutally, cutting it off before it ever had a chance to reach the air.

"Please, Zani. Not a sound, not now."

My eyes slide open as I'm torn from one dream to another, but this didn't feel like a dream.

I try to sit up, searching for Master, but my body barely moves, it just stays glued down to something hard and cold beneath me that wasn't my pillow.

I hear myself groan, but it sounds so far away to my own ears, like it was someone else making that sound.

I keep tugging, trying to get away from the cold, but it was impossible when my arms felt all weird and heavy, like they were suddenly the heaviest things in the world.

My eyebrows pull closer as I try to figure out what was happening, but I couldn't think of much when my loopy brain was waking up much slower than the rest of me.

It felt like something was wrong, like something very bad was happening.

I try to look around through my heavy eyes, but I don't see much beyond the light that shines down on me, which didn't make sense because our room was never this bright.

It was dark most times, like those dark black lines and dark wings.


I blink, but for some reason, it takes so much longer than normal for me to do it.

I'm almost asleep again when some broken sound echoes through the air and rings through my ear, making me fight extra hard to open my eyes again.

It was the sound been crushed on the way out of its owner who sounded so sad, so pained... like someone was tearing some poor animal apart.

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