Chapter 52

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Kalem's P.O.V

I stare at my wet shoes with a tight frown, watching as water seeps through them again. It makes my toes and socks inside all wet too which makes me frown even more.

I didn't like the rain.

When the little patters first started falling, I almost made both Thén and I fall when I'd tried to run away from it, but that was only because I didn't realise what it was. 

It didn't take me too long after I stopped screaming to realise that it was the falling waters that Aias had always told me about, the one that he always said was so 'wonderfully peaceful' to watch.

When I knew it was just the rain, I'd been so excited about it because it was the first time I was getting to watch the fluffy clouds up above open up and pour all their feelings out! I thought it would be magical, just like my birthday, like some special moment that I'd get to lock away and remember every time it rained.

But when I'd turned around to tell Aias how excited I was and only found the heavy chain hanging between Thén and me, that excitement went away when I remembered very quickly where I really was.

I wasn't with Aias. I wasn't home watching the rain-waters fall for the first time with my best friend or my Master. I was as far from home as I'd ever been and there was nothing nice about that.

All my sad feelings came back to me making my insides wither up like a lonely flower and I couldn't help it grow again, no matter how badly I wanted to. And that bad feeling only got worse when the raining waters up above started to come even faster, falling so hard that it felt like it was trying to hurt my skin on purpose.

Aias had never told me about that part, about how it could hurt and be mean, or how loud the rain was. It dropped like angry pellets that wanted to make sure everyone below knew that the skies above were upset. 

It wasn't anything like the beautiful fall I thought rain would be. The truth was, rain hurt. It hurt a lot and it only made me feel worse inside.

With my arms wrapped around myself, I could only try my best to follow after Thén without making my face even wetter than the mean rain made it. But that was hard when everything around me made me want to curl up and cry.

So, I decided that I  didn't like the rain. It was the worst!

While I wiggle my toes inside my shoes, I try to dry them with my magic before I take another look around the small opening Thén had found for me. He'd hidden me under the roots of one of the biggest trees I'd ever seen while he went to make sure we were safe. I could only fit because the tree was tilted over just a little, like someone super strong pushed it and made it that way.

I hope they didn't because that wouldn't be very nice, but I liked my little corner because it made me feel safe, even though I couldn't move very much since he'd chained me to the thick roots before he'd left.

I didn't like that most of all. 

The first time Thén chained me up, I'd tried to look on the better side by telling myself that he was just doing it to be safe. He didn't want me to run off or get hurt and he wanted to get his sister Echo free. 

But now, I couldn't stop myself from glaring hatefully at the chains that were bringing back my old bruises while my mind filled with horrible, nasty thoughts that were getting harder and harder to cast away.

I didn't want to be so angry when I knew Thén needed my help, but I couldn't stop a piece of me from hating him for what he was doing. 

But it wasn't just Thén that I hated anymore...

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