Chapter 3 - Year 1

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Raven idly paid attention to the conversation going on as McGonagall and Hagrid talked under a privacy bubble and decided to talk to Rose.

"So Rose, may I call you that?" He asked and she nodded. "Then call me Raven, anyway, what kind of accidental magic did you do?" He asked curiously and the girl tried to remember but seemed hesitant for some reason so he went first.

"I was 4 from when I remember the earliest one that I knew of, I had been playing near a lake and fell in without anyone noticing and I somehow called upon a large fish to push me up to the top. Another time I used what Professor McGonagall called operation, teleportation, and appeared somewhere I had been thinking of. Then there were a couple more like changing people's hair or causing things to float or move towards me." He said smiling as he remembered a bully getting lime green hair.

Rose giggled before she closed her mouth in shock. Where she had been she wasn't allowed to giggle.

"Giggling is allowed ya know. Anyway, what kind of accidental magic did you do?" Raven asked curiously, he also needed to find out why everyone kept staring at them, more particularly Rose.

"I think I did that operation thing you said. Changing my teacher's hair once to blue. My aunt once cut my hair all off, but a fringe to cover my scar and it regrew overnight. I also vanished glass once containing a snake when angered. Shrunk an ugly sweater once. That's all I remember." She said and he laughed in delight.

"That's hilarious. Did the snake try anything?" He asked curiously. Snakes were cool.

"No. It just slithered off somewhere with everyone running away from the large python." She said while not saying anything about understanding the snake.

"Cool," Raven said as he ate some of the ice cream that Professor McGonagall had purchased for him and Rose while she and Hagrid talked.

He also found out that Hagrid was named Rubeus Hagrid, but preferred to be called Hagrid. He was a half-giant, something he asked they not spread. They agreed as Hagrid seemed nice enough.

"So what do you think of this part of the magical world?" Raven asked curiously. What did the girl think of it?

"It's amazing, even if slightly out of date from what I can tell." She said in response to his question and Raven pondered that. Why were they behind compared to the nonmagical world? Was there a reason, or just them simply not wanting to be like those without magic? A mix of both maybe?

"Mr. Inanis you wouldn't mind staying with Hagrid and Miss. Potter while I run a quick delivery to Hogwarts would you?" McGonagall asked kindly and Raven shook his head that he didn't mind.

"Good. I'll be back within an hour or two at most." McGonagall said kindly before walking out of the ice cream shop and then twisting and vanishing in a quiet popping sound.

"Did she just teleport?" Raven asked curiously. Was this a normal thing for magical people?

"I don't know what this teleporting is, but that's apperation, I never learned it myself, but it allows you to go from one place to another so long as there ain't no wards blocking ya," Hagrid said in response and Raven asked when they could learn it.

"When you become of age, 17," Hagrid said and Raven pouted before remembering he could cross dimensions. He was good! It was one of the basic abilities Ripfang knew about.

So of course they first stopped at the trunk shop and Rose ended up with the normal Hogwarts trunk, only with the addition of featherlight, fireproof, and shrinking & enlarging runes added to it. Thankfully the man seemed to have one of those ready, just needed a quick dust cleaning with a charm, or so the man said before he brought it out.

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