Chapter 42 (Year 3)

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It's been a solid three months at least since a release of a single chapter, I have much more to say at the bottom in my author notes, but hello there again after so long.


Raven smiled to himself as he hammered away on a special project. He was doing this for two reasons. One to improve his blacksmithing, it could definitely be better. Two, he wanted to make something special for Rose, since they are together now you know.

A multipurpose tool.

A dagger. Rose had a very petite body. She always would due to the years of malnutrition by the Dursleys. He'd have to do something about them eventually.

A dagger was light, but a very effective weapon. Also a useful tool if ever stuck. However he had had big plans for it.

First and foremost this dagger would become a soul bound weapon

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First and foremost this dagger would become a soul bound weapon. Meaning only Rose, and him, could wield it to its greatest effect. She would be able to store it inside her soul or recall it to herself if ever taken or lost.

However he also made it a focus for magic. The runes he wrote on it worked greatly in tandem with fire and earth.

Weaving his magic into it, he smiled as the runes lit up on the dagger. It was beautiful. A quick test and swing of his hand, while forcing the soul bonding not to happen, with the dagger in its hold, and fire came from the slash. A quick stab and the dummy he made appear burned up. A slash on it and the dummy sizzled at the slash.

"Not too bad." Raven mused to himself with a smile before he placed the dagger into a box, which he then wrapped up and stored into his personal pocket space. He'd eventually gift it to her.


Raven smiled to himself as he leaned against the wall to watch the quidditch match of Gryffindor vs Slytherin.

It wasn't anything to be suprised about though. Rose was casually avoiding each hit sent her way by the Slytherin team while her teammates casually dominated the rival team.

Sirius Black sending her the Firebolt was truly a game changer. Of course he knew who sent it to her. Not that hard to do a dna check on the broom with a simple spell.

(Simple for you-)

Raven rolled his eyes as he watched the replacement seeker for the team, after the oh so disastrous event with Malfoy, not being able to even have seen the snitch beside since the game started.

Honestly he was surprised Rose hadn't found it yet. Her enhanced eyesight should have-

"Clever girl. I think I'm starting to rub off on her." Raven mused to himself amused as he finally noticed that her eyes were following the snitch, but letting her team have fun dominating the Slytherins.

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