Chapter 59 (Year 4)

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I'm surprised I've managed to last this long writing so many chapters all of length having at minimum 1,000+ words. Even
more surprised I'm getting at least 200 views a chapter after about a few days.


Raven groaned as he woke up rubbing his head. Is this what a handover felt like? Ugh. Not worth it.

However as he glanced around he saw the amusing sight of the room they were in. A quarter of the large room had been turned into an extremely large bed. Sprawled on it was himself in the middle. Rose was spread out t-pose style, her head on his chest. Her feet were wrapped around Arceuid's neck, meanwhile said true ancestor was cuddled up with Amaia.

It was an interesting thing. Very amusing. They all were very loosely dressed as well. He barely had on underwear. Rose had on panties. Arcueid had pajamas on somehow. Amaia was just naked.

"I need more guy friends." Raven mused to himself with an eye roll as he casted a spell to fix his knotted up hair as he made his way off the bed, which took some effort to not wake the trio from their sleep.

However as he sat down, he felt something was wrong with his casting, but the spell worked fine. Ugh, he hated evolution.

(Me to. I hate having to nerf my character to ensure I have a plot to write, also so I don't have to do it again without proper requirement like an actually stronger character or power)

Raven shrugged it off for now and just got ready for the day, as well as ensuring breakfast would be acquired and prepared for everyone.


A few hours later, the four were walking through Hogsmeade. In a way. Raven and Rose were walking. Arcueid was her cat self on Raven's shoulder. Amaia was chilling in his shadow.

"So who are we meeting again? The mutt forever in heat and the mutt who's got a satellite problem?" Raven asked and Rose sighed. If she could go one time without her soulmate dissing her godparent and sudo godparent, she would consider it a divine miracle.


She received no response as they arrived at a tavern and saw Lupin who as normal, looked older than he was. Beside him was a black dog barking happily as his tail wagged.

"Hello you two. I hope everything is going well?" Remus asked as he led them to the meeting room they picked out. Raven could feel the privacy charms set up. He added his own for safety. He had no desire to alter memories right now.

"Yes." Raven answered shortly. Rose only nodded in agreement to that response. However the moment they were fully secured in the room, Sirius returned to human form and growled as he got in Raven's face.

"You took my goddaughters purity! You better take responsibility. If you don't I'll-!" Sirius was cut off by an amused snort from Raven. Lupin was glaring at Raven with yellow eyes.

"Oh you thought you could give me of all people the shovel talk? This is hilarious." Raven said cackling in amusement. Then he glared at the two.

"Don't forget who I am though. What I am. If you weren't important to Rose, I'd already have you strung up and being lunged at by snaked. Black Mambas to be specific. Then have elephants come visit." Raven said smiling gently, but his tone was laced with killing intent.

Following that, the talk went smoothly, neither of the two male adults tried anything again, then again, did they even manage to try anything before being shut down?

Raven and the three girls left back to Hogwarts, Raven was going to teach Rose some interesting spells for the upcoming task.

This was how their time was spent till the next task. Teaching and attending class respectively for the two soulmates. Arcueid and Amaia just sorta followed Raven around like usual.

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