Chapter 4 - Year 1

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My dumbass somehow did this in Spanish and did not even realize it till I finished and saw the results.

Please comment on any grammar issues, thx.

Raven hummed as he walked through the train station. In his hand was a knife he made using his sorcery. It was the knife he used for rituals. It had special runes for several things. One of them blocked someone from noticing it unless allowed, or if they had magesight.

Once he spotted the pillar where he sensed magic he went to it and walked through, the very tiny runes for anti-magical were on it, and thus didn't see him.

When he got through he saw a nearly empty platform, it was extremely early. The train didn't even leave till 8 am, it was only 6 am. He guessed some people had stuff to do and dropped their child off early.

So with that in mind, he snatched a spot closer to the front-ish middle area enlarged his trunk, and placed it in the correct area above, but not before grabbing a book.

101 Ways To Troll People by Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, Master of The Second True Magic

Raven had no idea why this book was in the Le Fay vault but found it interesting, if not a little messed up, from the first few he read.

However one of them caught his attention. It involved a magical girl-style wand and heroic spirits. Plus idiotic male protagonists. Protection from the FBI. A very interesting if not weird one.

However, after reading more into it, he made a quick decision.

"Fuck that one." With that happy thought in mind and said aloud, he kept reading and decided he would try some later in Hogwarts after getting a feel for the place.

So after he wrote a couple marks in the book and left sticky notes in some places he stored the book and brought out a different book. One he found in the Pendragon vault buried at the bottom of books. A journal of all things. Written by Artoria Pendragon.

Currently, he was at the point where she was the King and cleaning up Britain. She had already attained Excalibur from Vivian, The Lady of The Lake. A fae. Just like him.

However, the part that made him laugh was when she mentioned Merlin. At times he was like a father figure, others an annoyance, and sometimes the only one she could look to for emotional help without revealing she was female as there was still discrimination at that time even though female magic users could wreck people.

I mean who the hell makes fun of people who could appear inside your castle, but you with a single attack killing you and then disappearing immediately afterward? Especially at night. It was just stupid of them.

He was also intrigued by the idea of Excalibur and wanted to make his version of it, but better, but not as bright, he idly wondered how much healing her eyes must need from the bright ass attacks she could fire off with Excalibur.

Merlin certainly did work miracles. He also found it amusing to see his Artoria write such funny thoughts she daredn't say out loud. It was so amusing.

Like how she once embarrassingly was not paying attention in an important meeting and was only thinking about food and Excalibur. She had to beg Merlin to tell her everything that happened in the meeting and had to pay him back in the form of him taking pictures of her holding a cute lion plushie he somehow had despite plushies not existing at that moment.

Maybe Merlin had some form of clairvoyance? Probably did if he knew about Prophecies and stuff. However, he was amused and found it adorable as there was a copy of the picture Merlin took in the book. He grabbed it and noticed writing on the back.

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