Prologue - 2

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"...Ow...    My head hurts..."

I lifted my head out of the carpet floor, rubbing dust out of my eyes as I adjusted to the scene. I was laying chest down on a bluish carpet floor, underneath a short table. I was still in the red dress that I was wearing when I first arrived here, only it was now a bit dusty because of the floor.

... I don't understand.

I was outside the playgroup a minute ago! ...Is this even the playgroup?

I scuffled out from underneath the table, brushing the dust off my dress as I looked around.

... It's very similar to the playgroup classroom, not exactly though. There's a couple of differences I can point out...    The most major one being the closed off windows.

"...I don't get this..." I muttered to myself.

Then I heard a crash.

I whipped around like I had been stung by a naughty bee, to see the door to the room wide open. A small pig in a blue shirt and black jeans was sprawled out on the floor next to the door.

...Is that him?

He got up drowsily, rubbing his head before his eyesight landed upon me.

"...Peppa? Is that you?"



The boy leapt towards me, wrapping his arms around me as he smiled. Not like I wanted to push him away, it was my brother after all. It only lead me to question even more things.

Why is George here?

"What are you doing here?" He asked me with a look of confusion and happiness.

"...I could ask the same thing about you, George." I lightly smiled back.

"You have a point, sis..." He let go from the hug, "What's your talent?"

"Oh, that Ultimate thing? I'm the Ultimate Storyteller!"

"Nice...! I'm the Ultimate Paleontologist."

I'm still a little confused by everything, I can actually still feel a bit of that feeling of harsh guilt from earlier. But with my brother here, I can focus a little easier.

"Peppa, are you ok?" George asked me, noticing my confused state.

"...I just don't understand..." I replied, "Did you also come to visit this place?"

"..." The boy went silent, before looking back up at me. "Yes...     How did you know?"

"Because I also did that. I came to visit the playgroup for a little while, just as a little breather from life, when I for some reason passed out."

"...That's scary...      That also happened to me!" George stepped back a little bit, clinging a hand onto his shirt collar.

"I know, I don't understand it."

"..." George seemed to be thinking something over for a while, before deciding on something. "We can discuss that in more detail later. Besides, there's more people here!"

...More people?

Before I could reply, George started towards the door which he crashed through earlier, taking a glance at me. "...You coming?"

"...There's no reason why I wouldn't." I nodded, running up slowly to my brother, exiting the classroom with him.

We exited into a violet hallway, with many corkboards and notices on the walls. Alongside that, there were many silvery doors, as well as two other people nearby some of them, who also looked familiar.

"Hey!" George called out, "I found someone else!"

The two turned around, being notified by the call, and quickly approached us, with another one quickly behind.

"Hey George, what's going o-" One of the people started, stopping themselves at the sight of me. I also gasped a little seeing the white, fluffy figure again.

"Suzy!" It was my turn to leap forward to hug, clinging onto her as she jumped slightly.

"Ah!- Peppa! Wh-You-"

"Sorry-" I pushed myself away from her a little, "That was a little childish, wasn't it, heh?"

"Yeah..." One of the other people from the group noted, "And a bit gay."


"...A bit WHAT-"

"Jeez, calm yourself! I'm just joking..."

"It's a bit of an unfunny joke, Freds..." The third person of the group mentioned.

"Hey now, I don't think we know each other extremely well..." George told us. He had a point, besides Suzy, I don't recognize either of them...     Except for the guy who joked earlier. He seems familiar.

And I'm still stuck with a slight blush on my face from that joke. Thanks for that.

"Well, why don't we just tell each other our names and talents?" Suzy suggested.

"Sure." The guy nodded, the girl next to her agreed.

"Well then, I'm Suzy Sheep! I'm the Ultimate Nurse!"

"Name's Freddy Fox. I'm the Ultimate Detective."

"Kylie Kangaroo! Ultimate Surfer!"

"It's nice to meet you..." George nodded slightly, "This is my sister, Peppa! She's the Ultimate Storyteller."

"Ayo-" Kylie jumped a bit at the mention, "You're his sister?" She asked me.

"Seemed understandable...    They were both pigs..." Freddy nodded, before turning to me. "Nice to meet you Peppa."

"Same for you...    Freddy..." I nodded back.

...Why does he look so familiar?

"Well, how many is that now? 3 plus 2 plus...     That's 16 here." Freddy nodded.

"There's even more people here...?" I asked.

"Yeah...    They're in the homeroom. It's further down the hall." Suzy told me.

"Should we go there? Or should we keep looking for more people?" George asked.

"I say we return." Freddy replied, "We've been searching for a long time already..."

"Ok, let's go see them!" Kylie squealed happily, bounding down the hall at a jolly pace, us following in close persuit.

"Do you know where the homeroom is, Kylie?" Suzy asked.

"Uhhh..." Kylie slowly halted herself. "Nah?"

"It's fine, it's close to here anyway..." Freddy took a turn into another hallway. We all followed after him.

Soon enough, we reached a pair of wooden doors with golden handlebars attached to it. An oddly opaque glass window rested within each door.

"Here we are, the homeroom!" Freddy smiled a bit.

"So...     Shall we?" Suzy offered.

"Why not?" I replied. We nodded, before all pushing the doors open together.

The sight that stood behind them, however, would be shocking...



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