Chapter 1: Life's A Dangerous Game - Chapter Start!

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(Chapter 1: Life's A Dangerous Game - Daily Life)




"...Peppa? What is it?"


"Mummy! I'm feeling weird..."

"Oh dear... How does it feel?"

What's going on...? I don't... Think I'm talking... Yet I am...

I could see a tall figure in an orange dress and a dirty white apron, looking down upon me. Their face showed a sign of care, worry and slight concern. All around her laid pitch black darkness.


"Like... I think... Like you're stuck under an anvil?"

"Oh... Don't worry Peppa, you're just stressed."

"What's stressessed...?"

"Stress is a feeling that you feel when you've got too much work, or time is running out for something. Has school been pushing you a lot lately...?"

"Kind of..."

"Peppa... Do you need a break?"

"But I have work to do!"

...What is this...

"Aha, ok. Just don't panic too much... Panic can also cause stress."

"But there's a lot of work! What if I feel stressed again?"

"...Peppa, I think it's about time I told you something important."


Mum kneeled down to my height, before looking me in the eye.

"During tough times like when you have lots of work, or if you're running late for something, it's important to keep hope with you. If you have hope that you will do something, you can keep moving forward. You can finish that work. You can catch that bus. Remember: Have hope, and keep moving forward."

"...Thank you, mu-"


I jumped up at the sound. I looked around, noticing I was in a slightly spacious room. At first I was confused, but then it came back to me.

What hit me the worst again was thinking about Rebecca.

I slowly stretched out of the bed, before heading to the door of the dorm. You see, after the whole... Monopotato thing... We decided that we needed to get some rest. So, we decided to use the map feature that was on the E-Handbook to try and find somewhere to sleep. Turns out, we all had our own room to sleep in. So... I guess you know where we all slept.

"Who is it..." I drowsily asked, opening the door.

"Good morning Peppa!" I heard a soft, fluffy voice call out.

"Oh... Morning Suzy..." I smiled a bit, looking up at the sheep, "What time is it...?"

"It's 8:30! You're a bit late for breakfast..."

"...We're having breakfast?"

"Yeah! Emily and Candy are making it! I came here to ask you if you wanted to come with me to breakfast..."

"... I'd be glad... Just let me get... Ready..."

"Ok, sleepy-pig." Suzy chuckled.

"Hey!" I laughed a bit, before closing the door. I sighed a bit, before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

When I was finally done, and walked out of the door, it was Suzy's turn to look like she was tired.

"...What?" I asked casually.

"Peppa... It's been 20 minutes."

...Dammit, I forgot that girls take a long time in the bathroom. It feels like nothing to me, honestly.

"O-Oh... Sorry..." I sighed, before leaving into the hallway. Suzy smiled a bit at me, before heading down the hallway. I quickly followed after her.

"..." The majority of the walk to the kitchen was a bit awkward. Considering the situation we were in, as well as the fact that it was my first time to breakfast, and the first time I'd heard about it, I was feeling rather... Messed up inside.

I mean, with Suzy here I feel a bit calmer... But deep down I feel like it makes me feel more stressed.

"...Do you know where the kitchen is?" I asked Suzy.

"Yeah...? I literally taking you to it, it would be stupid of me to take you somewhere that I don't know the location of."

...That was a dumb question to ask.

"And anyways, we're here!" We had arrived at a pair of metal doors, each with a circular window in it. The smell of toast wafted through the air, tempting me to just burst through the doors.

"Peppa? Are you ok? You look spaced out..."

Without replying, I crashed myself through the doors of the kitchen, collapsing onto the floor. A scream shrilled out.

...Huh. Seems like I take after my brother.

"OH GOOD LORD- PEPPA?! ARE YOU OK-" I noticed Emily rush to my side, clearly panicking a bit. Looking up, I also noticed Candy looking at me.

"I think she's ok... Maybe she just tripped?" I heard Suzy reply.

"Yeah... Just tripped." I wheezed a bit, standing up as I looked around. The kitchen was rather bright, but also a little bit dusty.

"...I guess you want breakfast, Huh?" Emily looked at me, her eyes showing a sense of calm.

"Yeah... Did Suzy already have breakfast?"


I looked up at Suzy, who just glanced away a little, a bit of blush on her face.

"...I guess you also wanted some, right? Girl, we really do go one in one!"


"Well..." Candy perked up, "We have some breakfast for the both of you! It's Eggs Benedict." She smiled, holding 4 plates of food.

"Wait..." Emily stared at Candy, "Doesn't that hav-"

"I replaced it with salmon."

"Oh thank god."

I just looked at the two with a slight look of confusion, before taking two plates of food from Candy's paws, giving one to Suzy. "Where's everyone else?"

"They're eating in the homeroom. We weren't able to find a dining room of any kind..."

"...Well! Let's go!" Suzy smiled, before walking out of the kitchen, using her shoulder to nudge the doors open. We looked at each other, before following suit.


PigRonpa: 11/16Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora