Chapter 2: Bloody-Marie

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"...Well. Here we are. Boy, that was quick." I sighed, with both elephants on either side of me as we stared down the door to the bar. It was barely ajar, like it was almost closed. I started to internally sweat a little as we all took short glances at each other.

"Th-There's no reason for us to wait. Let's go in." Emily shut her eyes as she approached the door with an extended arm. She then hesitated, almost as if she were unwilling to enter without me and Edmond. Her brother replied in a seemingly psychic way; Walking up to her side and grabbing a hold of the metallic door handle. Emily soon did the same with her extended arm.

I couldn't just let myself go absent from their minds in the moment, so I added my hand to the handle, giving both parties a solid nod. They both replied with an identical nod.

And with that...        We all opened the door together.

...It was quite a horrifying sight.

There were bloodstains all over the main bar, as well as on the shelves filled with glass bottles behind it. There were also notable shards of glass laying on top of the bar, as well as on the floor in front of it. The source of them wasn't too far away - The neck of a smashed glass bottle sat at the end of the bar.

...It was as if Danny's body had suddenly been transformed into a room.

"...Oh. My. God." Emily slowly stuttered, gripping onto her younger brother's arm fearfully. Meanwhile, I had unconsciously taken a few steps forward to try and view the room in a greater light. Taking a look around, I noticed something lying in one of the corners of the room. It was the corner closest to the door.

It looked like...     A small, cardboard box. Almost like an open delivery box.

I quickly noted it down as Emily and Edmond entered the room.

*'Cardboard Box' Has been added to the Truth Bullet section of your handbook.*

...Ok. Moving on to the major elephants in the room.

No, I don't mean Emily and Edmond.

I started towards the opposite end of the bar, soon grabbing a careful hold of the neck of the broken bottle. Taking a closer look at the inside of the bottle, I noticed a red liquid of...    Some kind.

No, not blood. I clearly remember Danny's and Delphine's bodies - Their blood was pink.

...I don't wanna taste it...    Maybe smelling would reveal something?

And so, I curiously took a sniff.


Oh god.

That smells...    Weird.

Is that...      Wine?

Then that means...

*'Broken Wine Bottle' Has been added to the Truth Bullet section of your handbook.*


Delicately resting the end of the bottle back on the bar, I immediately headed to the shelves of alcohol. Nearly stepping into a large puddle of blood while doing so.

...I should probably consider that.

As well as the fact that the bloodstains on the countertop seem to be...     Smeared...

*'Bar Bloodstains' Has been added to the Truth Bullet section of your handbook.*

I still needed to check the shelves of alcohol, though. So, to avoid the issue of the puddle, I grabbed a nearby bar stool and set it in the puddle, Then, I stepped upon said stool.

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