Chapter 3: Have You Ever Played With Syringes And Ink Blots? - Chapter Start!

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(Chapter 3: Have You Ever Played With Syringes And Ink Blots? - Daily Life)



(Hehehe...        At long last! Chapter 3! Now then, just to let you all know so there isn't any confusion, these next few chapters are going to be in George's PoV. So, we've got protag George for a while! Hope you all understand, and enjoy Chapter 3!)





God. My head hurts.

That makes a lotta sense. Considering that we just went through...     A pretty difficult two deaths, in my opinion.

Ok yeah, maybe Candy's wasn't too sad for most of us (I know Emily's depressed over her), but Danny...

...Danny's death was like setting off explosives inside our bodies.

And Candy's last moments was like adding petrol to the fire erupting from it afterwards.


Sitting in bed only made me stress out about their deaths even more. I didn't want to feel like that. I wanted to be in a better state of mind, I didn't want to fall into despair.

...Not like I wasn't feeling any right now.

Don't think like that George. You've got a new day ahead of you.

I leapt myself out of the relatively uncomfortable bed, sending one of the two plush animals flying across to the opposite side of the room. For those questioning, I found it pretty easy to sleep with a plushie or two you can cuddle. It's honestly extremely soothing and aiding for me, especially if I'm going to bed stressed. Which I'm doing practically every night nowadays.

Don't mock me guys. I've been doing it since I was a kid.

Moving on, I dashed myself into the bathroom, washing myself up as fast as I possibly could. Then I ran back into the main dormitory room, and dressed myself as fast as I could.

Boom. I'm out of bed and ready. What more could someone possibly want?

...A lot more, now that I think about it.

With a glad sigh to myself, I pocketed the e-handbook idling on the wooden-plastic bedside table, trotting towards the door with a plastered-on cheery mood.

...Eh. Someone's gonna end up noticing I'm faking it anyway. Richard always manages to detect these kind of changes in me.

...Not to say that Peppa or Edmond don't see them either. It's just that Richard is usually the first one to notice.

I grabbed hold of the handle, swung myself outside into the hallway, and carefully let the door slip back into place, not wanting to awaken anyone currently sleeping. Unlike what Monopotato pulls off every morning.

...Did the morning announcement sound out yet?

I'm actually not sure.

But I am rather peckish.

Well, to the kitchen I go I guess.

In 5 seconds, I was there. The kitchen was literally right at the end of the dormitory hallway, so it was easy. 

Weren't easy to get inside, though. It was locked up.

At first, I started questioning Cloud 9, but then something hit me.

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