Chapter 2: The Gumshoe And His Love

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(A quick note from the author: This chapter is set in Freddy's PoV, at the same time as the previous chapter.)





...God fucking dammit.

Why did Pedro have to lunge at me so fast? I have nothing to do with this...    Traitor thing.

Him accusing me of working for Monopotato...      Just because I woke them up to explore the next floor...

That's just...           That's just plain wrong.

And yes, while he might be hurting because of the sudden death of three of our friends...    He has no right to dump the misery he gained from it onto others. That's a statement.


Maybe I should just...       Remove myself once I get the chance. Just so that these fights don't go on.

Yeah. Pedro's already pissed enough, so...      No biggie, right?

Ok, good plan. When I get the chance, I'll run to the storage room, get some rope and-

"Hey, Freds? You look a bit...    Distant..."

"Oh. Sorry." I gritted my teeth, snapping my thoughts back into the intrusive closet they came from.

Jesus christ Freddy. Did you really think those thoughts while you were hanging out with one of your CRUSHES?

...You're worthless.

Ugh, there I go again! Shut up possible depression!




"It's ok...      Not like I'm a rookie to teasing..."

"Wait, what?"



"Who's been teasing you? Was it Pedro?"

"No, it was...    N-Nevermind."

"Nevermind nevermind! You've been through a lot recently!"

"...Fine...        It was a whole array of people who had been beating me down and saying that I'd never be able to fucking find out who the fuck killed my parents because I was nothing more than a stupid little child fuckover who didn't deserve to be in the courtroom. And wow, shock horror, I managed to solve that case without none of them bitches help."


"Yeah yeah no biggie." I spat unconsciously.



Great FUCKING job, Freddy, now he hates you.

...So why is he hugging me?

Maybe...    There is some light...


"What...     The fuck...        What the actual fuck Freds..." The mutt cried, squashing my body between his arms and head.

"It's not much of a problem."

"It IS to me!" Danny shot his head up, "You don't just casually talk about the death of one of your parents without going through some severe trauma prior! Let alone BOTH of your parents!"


"I mean...    I've been through it. My mom died quite a while ago...     But at least she's happy."



I had been momentarily shell shocked by Danny's response. Shell shocked to the point where I couldn't really think without some kind of self hate.

"Yes." I stiffly replied.

"...Is it depression?"

"Wh-What? Since whe-"

"The death of both your parents would deffo be enough to send you into a deep sadness...    Not to mention how those fuckers in the court treated you." Danny explained, the rage in his tone increasing throughout the sentence, before climaxing and settling on a new one. Meanwhile, the worry inside me had grown into full-blown euphoric terror.

He...    He could help me.

Wait, no he can't!

Goddammit! Yes he can! Stop being such a mental schizo for once and get your head into the real world!

Then again, Pedro did start picking on you like in your past. It won't be long until the rest of them-



It's certified.

He can help me.

He needs to help me.

...I glanced at Danny, who was busy trying to make up something to say.

"I understand if you're worried about me finding out about this, and...    And I'm invading your privacy. Dammit, I really shouldn't be making you feel more stressed then you already are."


"Sorry." The mutt lifted himself off the metallic countertop of the kitchen, and gradually trotted away. And as if I had been his loyal pet (A bit ironic considering his kind), I leapt after him, throwing my arms around his waist tightly. He jumped from the shock, as I entangled my legs within his.

"Y-You're...     H-Helping me..."

"...Oh god. I-I am? God I'm so sorry I didn't consider the fact-" Danny's rambles went on as he shook my body off, before kneeling before me and taking my trembling body into his furry arms.

I know it's not usually like me to show the sadder side of me. It's just that if I do, I completely break down, like now. And to be honest, I was suffering from such an emotional malfunction in the moment that I was struggling just to kneel.

"S-Sorry...    So-Sorry I'm such a-"

"You're not anything that you were about to say. You're beautiful, no matter what others think. And I'm always gonna be here to prove it, dead or alive."

I couldn't hold back. I sobbed everything I had into his shoulder, with a lot more still to come.

"Danny? Freddy? Are you...     Ok?"

"GAHH-!" We both comically screamed, leaping apart onto the floor at the silky, composite voice. Whipping our heads up to view our intruder, we immediately calmed ourselves, seeing that it was Rebecca.

"...Well, I can easily tell that you're both crying like hell froze over. Mind if I join?" The rabbit asked, clearly giving the badly disguised invitation of 'can I please hug you too'.

"Uh...     B-Be our guest." Danny croaked back, as the rabbit kneeled down, taking both us boys into her arms. We added on by throwing ourselves back into each others arms. We had basically wrapped our whole group in our arms.

Sorry if it sounds confusing.

And with that, my mind started wandering into future possibilities.

Obviously, Pedro's going to be a bit pissy with me.

At least now...     I have someone who can help me get through my internal fires of self hate, which Pedro and my thoughts continuously add petrol to.

That side topic is irrelevant now though.


At long last.

I have someone to rely on.


(Hey there! Just to let you know about why I wrote in someone else's PoV for this chapter: I simply got a bit bored with constantly writing from Peppa's eyes, and wanted to focus a bit on the three way relation between Danny, Freddy and Rebecca. Hope you understand.

~ Oak-44)

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