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Monopotato: WELCOME BACK EVERYONE! Jeez, it's been a long time since this last happened, hasn't it? But the same rules still apply! You will all try to figure out who the killer is, once you all have a certified guess of who it could be, you will vote for said whodunit. If it's correct, only they will receive punishment. But if not...    Then everyone else will receive punishment, and the killer will escape from this school! Now then, PLAYGROUP TRIAL COMMENCE!

Freddy: ...

Rebecca: ...

Peppa: ...

Richard: ...So. What should we start off with.

Edmond: ...

Pedro: ...

George: ...

Richard: Uhm...      Guys? Hello?

Emily: ...

Zoë: ...

Candy: ...

Richard: Seriously guys? What did I say earlier?

Kylie: ...

Suzy: ...

Suzy: ...You said that Danny's death would just be in vain unless we avenge him.

Suzy: Or something similar. I'm not sure.

Richard: Thank you! Now then...     What should we start with?

Suzy: ...Uh...

Richard: Actually, you know what? I'll start this off, seeing as I'm the only one talking. No offence.

Richard: What's up with Danny's injuries?

Edmond: ...He died from being shot. That means the killer used the gun that was hidden in the bar.

Pedro: Says who?

Edmond: Common sense. If the gun was hidden, it means we weren't meant to find it. Plus, that's the only gun in the school that we know about.

Pedro: Uhm...     I'm sorry? There's a lot of guns in the storage room!

Zoë: Pedro...   Those guns are fake.

Pedro: Can you prove that, though?

Peppa: ...I might be able to prove a different statement.

Peppa: A statement that disregards any usage of guns from the storage room, working or not.

) Nonstop Debate (

- Wendy's Dorm
- Cardboard Box
- Weapon List

Pedro: Think about this, guys! There's a lot of guns in the storage room!
(Wendy's Dorm)

Zoë: Most of those guns don't work, though...
(Wendy's Dorm)

Pedro: Have any of us actually tried to fire those guns? Or are we just too scared to?
(Cardboard Box)

Emily: I'm more concerned if there are any working guns in this school...     Everyone heard those bangs earlier, right?
(Cardboard Box)

Kylie: Wait...     If those guns don't work, then...
(Weapon List)

Kylie: Surely the gun in the bar is also fake, right?
(Weapon List)

Peppa: No, that's wrong!


Peppa: Hold on a minute everyone. I think there's actually another option as to where the gun could've come from.

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