Chapter 1: Another Soul For The Charity (EXECUTION)

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)><( GAME OVER )><(



Gerald was still sobbing to himself, resorting to self-hugging to calm himself down as red lights flashed through the whole courtroom. His calming was interrupted by a harsh feeling around his neck, as a collar linked to a chain clicked itself shut, tugging the giraffe back with immense force. His hands rushed to his neck enchainment as he disappeared behind one of the walls, which had lifted up to allow room for the culprit to be dragged through. Afterwards, a large television squinted through the gap, lifting itself up for all the remaining participants to see...


A dark hallway was seen. Two dusty shelves on both sides. Both stuffed with toys, books, and old bits and bobs in every nook and cranny. There was so much, it was spilling out onto the floor. And in between both of these shelves was Gerald, a few tears still dripping down his face.

} Another Soul For The Charity {
Ultimate Caretaker Gerald Giraffe execution
Status: Executed

'Boy...     You should start working...'

The giraffe slowly turned around, fear in his eyes. The only thing he could make out in the darkness was...     Some kind of robot. It had the general shape of a giraffe.

'Who cares if you cry...     Work is more important...'

Gerald started to walk away from the dark figure as he turned back around, his eyes catching a glimpse of light at the other end of the hallway.

'You can't run...     Work will conquer you...'


And with that, he started running. He ran down the hallway as fast as he could, to be halted by something around his wrist.

A slinky.

Gerald scowled, before yanking his wrist free as more items tried to pull him further back. Nonetheless, the giraffe kept running. Various junk and random things coated his body, making cuts along his fur as he kept up his pace.

Eventually, he reached the light. It illuminated his current form to the maximum. A dusty, scarred, item-coated young boy, who only wanted to be who he wanted to be. He reached out to the light with a trembling hand...

...To realise it was a floodlight.

And right above it was a monster. Specifically, a giraffe animatronic.

Gerald's eyes widened extremely.

'...I told you, boy...'

'...Work will always win.'

Gerald's breathing hitched. His eyes lost emotion. Blood trickled like a waterfall down his neck.

A long spear had been jabbed right through his neck. The figure from behind added on, stabbing multiple sharp glass shards, knives, skewers and daggers through his chest. Blood spilt across the hallway as Gerald fell to his knees, eventually onto his chest, the pinkish liquid flowing out onto the floor. The two figures above him faded back into the darkness, as the floodlight stayed on, leaving Gerald visible in the dark as the film slowly drifted into static...


(Our first execution...       I didn't think that I'd get this far with an idea like this, you know. I hope you enjoyed!

~ Oak-44)

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