Chapter 3: Rebecca Bolt

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Tap tap tap. That's the only sound that could really ring into my ears at the moment.

I kept cautiously slipping my shoes down the stairs, which in turn slid my own body down it. Soon enough, I passed by the second floor, starting work on the flight to the ground floor.

And while all of this was going on... Richard was still stuck in my GODDAMN mind.


...Maybe I just need to distract my thoughts... With food?

Yeah. Good plan George, good plan.

I blinked a few times, almost in sync of my feet making contact with the ground. My head naturally turned around in the half controlled search for the presence of another person.

My eyes did managed to land upon one person, wandering in the curved direction towards the storage room and nurse's office, clutching a few carrots her paw.


I instinctively waved at her, hoping to earn some kind of response from the older of the two rabbits. Instead, all I got was a soft nod, before she slowly jogged down the hall towards the storage room. Giving myself a small shrug, I wandered into the open of the ground hallway, momentarily flicking my head to the side, and back.

...Wait, hold on. Rebecca's not there.

It was just an empty hallway. The two doors to the two existing rooms, and a solid wall.

Or so it seemed. The wall did appear to be a bit... wonky.

But either way. Rebecca wasn't there, and that... confused me.

She was only walking! Well, a bit faster than walking. She is the Ultimate Track Star. But still, she couldn't have just disappeared into thin air!

...Actually... Maybe she just went into one of the two rooms that's there.

That would make more sense... Wonder what she needs the carrots for, though.

My mind was screaming in discomfort, unfortunately. Most likely from the surprising event of Rebecca going absent all of a sudden. So, to try and calm it down, I decided on searching the two rooms.

Starting with the nurse's office.

Uh... Jeez, someone should put those scalpels away... No Rebecca though.

Ok, now storage room...


...What the?

She- She isn't here either?

Jesus Christ... In the storage room of all places, she isn't here? I'm pretty sure Peppa told me that Rebecca was a fan of going to the storage room... Something to do with backgammon...

So why isn't she here? Did she really just... disappear?

...Ok, I'm really confused now. Like, REALLY confused.

Taking some soft, shaky steps out of the storage room, I naturally let my body direct itself towards the nearby wall ending the part of the hallway, soon enough leaning onto it with a collapsed sigh.


...Hold on.

...Walls don't move like that.

Lifting my head up at the seemingly normal wall again, I gave it a good look over, soon following it with a secondary push as a small experiment.

The wall gave in again, barely moving. A soft creek called out.

...Ok, now something's up.

The wall... Somehow moved?

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