Chapter 2: Afraid To Get Wet?

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Leaving the chemistry and fashion rooms behind me, I halted in front of the last set of doors on the left wall in this hallway. These doors had a visible characteristic that separated them from the other doors, however.

These doors were completely metallic, and their handles were squareish, almost like two rectangular bars sticking out of the doors. Another thing that certified them as unique was their size: They were a lot larger than the other doors on this floor.

"...Here goes." I sighed, pushing the two doors apart and moving through the gap between them. The room awaiting revealed itself to me as the doors swung shut behind me.

It seemed... Like a gym?

Not entirely, though. It was more like a short, thick hallway, with the entrance doors on one of its long walls. At both ends of it, two doors laid, one pink, one blue. Filling up the space between all the doors were racks of weights, rolled up mats, stacks of clothes...

...And a... Machine gun on the ceiling?

That looks out of place.

...Why the...

"...Why the fudge would you need a machine gun in a hallway?"

"SIMPLE! So that you don't act like a bunch of pervs!"


My feet swooped off the ground, before landing once again as the voice of Monopotato sounded out behind me. As my body turned during the time of my feet floating, it was uncovered to my eyes that the voice had come from Monopotato. In person, too.

"That gun is there, so that you don't go into a changing room of your opposite gender! I don't want horny people jacking themselves off in this school!"

"...Ok, firstly: You're saying that what's behind those doors are changing rooms?"

"Yep! Blue for boys, pink for girls."

"And secondly... Your idea wouldn't really work on a pervert who's homosexual."

"...Oh. Shit." Monopotato laid his arms on his head, his face showing a sign of dissapointment.

"I keep forgetting about society's current setting. It's a bit difficult to make such changes to such stuff like this, taking into account the LGBTQ community..."

"True, but it is for the better. At least now there aren't people calling out others for being who they are. At least, in England. I've heard it's worse in Russia..."

"You know what? Fuck Russia. They can attack our friends and give us petroleum all they want. One day, if I see someone who supports their actions, I will EXECUTE THEM WORSE THAN GERALD EVER HAD BEEN!"

"...Uhm... What are you talking about?"

"Just some nonsense. Anyways! If you want to enter the pool, you must do so through the girl's locker room. If you don't, well... You die."

"I can easily see that..."

"...Ew. Did I actually finish a conversation with you? Shock!" Monopotato waved his hat at his head a little bit, trying to cool himself down, before turning back to me. "To get into the locker rooms, swipe your handbook across the handbook reader on the door leading to the locker room of your gender! ENJOY!"

And then, the black and brown figure fell back into the conveniently open floor once again, disappearing once the floorboards patched themselves up.

...The way these floors work are concerning me.

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