Chapter 2: Skip A 1000 Boundaries (EXECUTION)

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)><( GAME OVER )><(



A harsh spotlight was shone upon a circular pedestal, standing high above any kind of flooring. Standing in the dead center of said pedestal was Candy, a metallic-looking skipping rope clutched in her paws. It was almost she was about to start skipping herself, laughing out despair while doing so.

The only other light source that could be seen was from an electronic chart, similar to those found in a boxing ring, suspended in front of the tabby cat. On one side, it read 'Skips to go' with the number '1000' beneath it. On the other side was the opposite, in a way - It read 'Skips completed' and the number '0' was below it. On top of this chart, a timer stood, reading '5:00'.

It took Candy barely any time to figure out what to do. She swiftly swung the rope above her head, then hopped over it as it swung back down. The timer started with a harsh beep.




][Skip A 1000 Boundaries Like A Melody][
Ultimate Skipper Candy Cat execution
Status: Executed

The skips continued at a casual pace, as Candy kept on hopping. However, she gave a grunt once she took a glance at the chart.

Skips to go: 947
Skips completed: 53

The tabby began to swing the rope even harsher around, the metal rope brushing the ground of the stoney pedestal multiple times. Her jumps got ever quicker as her face started to fill with red. However, it quickly lightened up once she took another look at the chart.

Skips to go: 633
Skips completed: 367

Candy started to grin out of annoyance, as well as the rising pain in her feet. Nonetheless, she kept skipping, despite the metal rope roughly brushing against the stone beneath her. In fact, her skipping was becoming so fast, that she swore she could've seen sparks flying from underneath her feet.

What's more...    The rope started to feel warm in her hands.

Candy tried to brush it off, replacing her current thoughts with the hopping, with the numbers on the chart, with...

...With Emily.

...Why is she thinking about Emily now! She has to focus!

The tabby gave a few huffs and groans of forced strength, as she continued to hop at an ever faster pace. Now she noticed that the rope had changed color - It was silver, but now it was a glowing amber.

That didn't matter to her though. What mattered was the goddamn chart.

Skips to go: 257
Skips completed: 743

Her face lightened up out of amaze and horror. One minute?! 200 skips!

She tried to go faster, but her exhausted state prevented such an action. At this point, she was doing 15 skips a second. Not to mention, her sweaty state wasn't aided in any way by the heat of the rope and the sparks near her feet.

...She kept going though.

She couldn't stop now.

Not if she wanted to.

This was for her life, for her death, for Emily-

Dammit, Emily again?!

With that, her focus had been thrown out of order. He feet weren't landing properly. The sparks were starting to burn her.

And then...     She made an error.

While gazing off into the red fluorescent numbers on the chart, she apparently didn't jump high enough for the blazing metal rope, and burned her ankle. The cat squealed in agony, almost immediately bucketing the next skip. She ended up landing her next skip on only one foot, throwing her balance out of check. It didn't take long for her to pummel backwards, taking the jump rope with her. The flaming, cackling metal rope unintentionally started wrapping around the cat's body, burning into her flesh and even her muscles. As she half-screamed from the pain, the electronic chart disappeared out of her sight as she fell down to the shadowy floors below.

Skips to go: 16
Skips completed: 984


"...Hm. Talk about getting fried."

The figure of Monopotato stood over the recent arrival of the tabby's body on the floor. The majority of the cat's limbs had been dismembered from her main body, including her head. The rope was still tangled up around the heavily bleeding body, still relatively warm, now getting splattered with pink blood.

"...I'm just gonna take the arms..." The figure muttered, grabbing the dead feline's arms, pulling the tattered sleeves off them, before walking back through some weird doorway to a much brighter area.

An area...    That looked like a fishmonger.

Monopotato gave a look around, before setting the two limbs on a plate, along with some...    Some kind of key. He took a small metal label, jotted something down on it in pen ink, stabbed the sign into one of the two arms, before shrugging to himself. He left the plate it on a nearby bay windowsill, for the next passerby to take a look at.

'Candy Fish - 0.50$ for 1 filet'


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