Chapter 1: Hello? Motive here?

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I yawned, stretching myself as I raised out of bed. Rubbing my head slightly, I started to think about what to do with the new day ahead of me.

One thought came to my mind.

I wonder what came to those fishcakes that Candy and I made yesterday.

Reaching my hand to the sleek handbook on the short bedside table next to the bed, I quickly checked the time.

6:48 AM

Well that's nice.

Getting up, and getting ready, I soon left through the door into the hallway. Turning to the left, I headed to the kitchen, still questioning the fate of the fishcakes. 

I tried to push open the doors to the kitchen. They stood still.


I pushed harder on the two. They still stayed put.

"...Wait." I flipped out the handbook in my dress's pocket (yes, it had pockets, don't judge me), and took a read back through the rules.

"...Oh. The kitchen's closed off." I sighed, before checking the time again.

7:01 AM

"...Huh? Shouldn't it be open by now?"

*Ding Dong Bong Bing...*

I jumped, startled at the rusty bell sound. Looking up to the ceiling, I heard the voice of the one person here I didn't like announce himself scratchily.

"Gooooooood morning fellow participants! It is officially daytime! So, certain rooms will now be open once again!"

A click was heard from the doors I stood next to. Looking at them, I tried to push on them again. This time, they drifted apart like a breeze.

Before I could go in though, more words sounded out.

"And one more thing: Please may all participants please report to the courtyard! Failure to follow this order will result in punishment."

...What could that bugger of a thing want from us?

I sighed, turning to my right as I entered first into the homeroom, then to the courtyard. To my surprise, the sky was darker than usual.


The sky held a dark colour of navy blue and ash grey. It wasn't like the sky before - Which was a much lighter blue.

Eventually, everyone else started to file in, leaving me in confusion staring at the sky.

"Ugh...    Peppa?" 

I turned around slowly to see George, looking at me worriedly, his hand on the back of his neck.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. It's just...     Wasn't the sky brighter than before?"

The younger pig glanced upwards, before gasping and snapping their head back to me.

"You're right again...     It was much brighter yesterday..."

"...Maybe its wintertime?"

"Nah. Its too warm..."

Oh god. I didn't even realize that it was so hot outside.

I took a quick turn, noticing that Suzy was waving her hand at herself, trying to blow some kind of air her way.

I guess that's a downside of having thick wool.

"Now then...    tut, tut..."

"Oh for crying out-"

A rumble shook us off our feet momentarily, before Monopotato leaped out, landing back on the red wooden stand that had stood here since yesterday. The half-darkened vegetable then turned to us, holding a blank face with skeptical hints all through it.

"...You are all quite annoying sometimes, you know?"

"I'm sorry. How are we annoying?"

"Oh quiet, you stupid rabbit. You still have that scar from 2 days ago."

Rebecca tensed up a bit, before slinking down to her knees.

"What did you even call us here for." Danny stared.

"It's very obvious, you mutt! It's been two days, two days, you hear me? And still no sign of blood being spilled whatsoever!"


"...You still expect us to kill one of our friends?"

"Of course I do! And because no one here has even bothered, I'm going to take this situation into my own hands. I understand what's missing. You just need more motivation~..." The figure giggled to themselves, before pulling out a small, bent item.

"I present to you, your first motive!"


"This is a cellphone right here. Now: If you are to kill one of the participants among you and get away with it, you will not only be able to get out of the building, but also be able to make one phone call before you do. It may be made to anyone that you know. However, there is one catch: You MUST make the call in front of the other participants. If you cannot, then you'd have killed someone for no reason~...    Kehehehe~..."


That's our...    Motive?

Why is this thing so dedicated to trying to make us kill each other...?!

"Anyways! The option's gonna be there whenever you want it, so I suggest you take it soon! Happy killing~..."

I looked back up to the stand, only to find that the...    I guess you can say 'monochromatic' potato had disappeared.

"...What do we do now?" Richard asked.

"Simple. We don't listen."


I turned around, eyes landing upon the person that had confidence in their voice. To my shock, it was Edmond.

"I know it isn't like me to go against regulations, but this is a serious situation." The elephant nodded, running up to the platform and clambering upon it, before facing us, determination in his eyes.

"What this thing has told us this morning is quite a surprise, and I admit it. But it's only a trick: A method of manipulating us into killing someone! We're better than this, we can continue to try and find a way out together. We can survive together. And to prove that, I believe it would be a good idea if we got our minds off of this...    Offer."

"How do we do that?" Delphine questioned.

"Simple. We all spend some time together. Why don't we all have a couple games of cards this evening? We can play poker-"

"Hey, hey hey...    Hold on a minute!" Gerald raised is voice slightly, his head towering above Edmond's by a slight bit, "I didn't know that you gambled! I thought you weren't into that stuff?"

"..." The only thing that Edmond sent back was a skeptical face of consolidation. "Just because I play cards, it doesn't mean that I gamble. Gambling involves money and betting, as well as addiction. And I am not addicted to playing cards."

"...M-My mistake. Sorry Edmond."

"Anyways, I have hope that we can all forget about this nonsensical offer of Monopotato's and we can all continue to break out of here united. Is everyone with me?"

I shouted back a yes in reply. Soon, everyone else in the courtyard replied with confirmation of the plan for the evening.

"I'm glad that we all agreed on this." Edmond smiled, hopping down from the stand, his shirt getting a bit caught by the wind, "I'll see you all tonight, then. I wish you all safety and hope for the rest of this day!"


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