Chapter 2: Nine Lives Of Torture

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No word was uttered. No word could be uttered.

The horror of what we saw...    Had definitely stopped us dead.

Even if it was a little loose-ended, it was still horrifying. Especially for Emily, I could tell from a mile off that she was sobbing her heart out.

Yeah, I get it. Candy went a bit insane in her final moments, and she ended up killing Danny, but...   She was still our friend.

She was still thrown into this situation against our will.



"...Well then. That was quite the execution. Anyways, it's getting pretty late, guys. PLAYGROUP TRIAL DISMISSED!"

The moment the potato announced his statement, Emily went ahead and bagged it - Dashing to the lift as fast as she could. Richard followed behind, at a slower pace. It didn't take me long to follow behind.

...I was tired out by everything.

Everything that had happened today had pushed my energy off the edge. I really couldn't summon anything in me to do something other than just flop on my bed.


This is so goddamn annoyi-

"Hey. George."

I glanced over half-heartedly, laying eye contact upon Richard as he started to glance away a little.

"...Yes?" I drowsily replied.


"For what...?"

"Oh I don't know, being an idiot and running away from my problems."

"Are you talking about the pool thing...?"

God, I so don't have the energy for this.

"Well...    Yeah."

"That doesn't mean nothing now...    I mean, we've just been through another trial. That's worrying in it's own light."

"Yeah good point." The rabbit shuffled a bit closer to me, as I rolled my eyes playfully.

...Maybe I do have the energy for this.

"Look, Richard...     I kinda mind the fact that we accidentally argued earlier. But when we compare it to something like the death of someone, then...    It's determined to be unneeded for the moment. And besides, we're still best friends, after all. It's not like arguing over...    Some instruments is gonna destroy every memory that we've made." I sighed out, leaning onto Richard's side.

"...You never seem to say something too incorrect whenever we talk this serious, George."

"Heh, that's just a little side talent of mine." I muttered, collapsing my body around the rabbit's waist, my eyelids drooping down as my arms tightened.

"Uhm...    George?"

"Sorry...     Just sleepy..."


Geez, I guess having barely any sleep really messes with your actions.

The rising floor beneath us suddenly stopped, as the unique set of doors in front of us made way. Emily had already dashed out of the lift, most likely to her room. That just left me and Richard.

I levered myself off of Richard's waist, as we both gradually exited the lift, which soon started heading back down to collect the rest of the group. We didn't make too much attention of it though. We just wanted to get to our rooms.

...It took quicker than I thought it would.

Soon enough, we were outside our individual rooms. Richard had turned to face me with a respectful look, forcing the urge to say something within me.

Well...   No reason why I wouldn't do so.

"Uh...   Maybe you want to spend some time tomorrow?"

"Deffo! Deffo, deffo..."

"Ok! Uh...   Where should we hang out?"

"I dunno. Guess you can do your eenie-meanie-miny-mo strategy again."

"Hehe, good point..." I giggled, as Richard turned back around, about to head into his room to get some god forgiven sleep.

"So...    Goodnight?"

"Yeah. Goodnight..." I nodded, getting to my room by the time Richard had finally disappeared behind his own door. I gave a tired sign, before opening my door using my own handbook, shutting said door with my foot, and flopping on the bed.

...I wouldn't be surprised if I fell asleep immediately.

But hey, that's just another part of me to remember.



Who am I?


What kind of question is that? Of course I know who I am.

...Still...    I should answer that question.

Oh well.

I am George Pig. The Ultimate Paleontologist, Peppa's sister, Richard's best friend, Edmond's second best friend, and a casual dino-crazy yet caring boy to all.


Maybe I went a bit overboard on that.

Still, I managed to answer it...



(Chapter 2: A High Sense Of Broken Romance - CHAPTER END)

(< Intermission 2 - Start >)


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