Chapter 1: Knifed Backroom

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The entire checking to see if the computers worked took what felt like an hour.

"Phew... How long has it been?" Danny asked.

"Uhm... I think 15 to 16 minutes..." Edmond sighed, "So all the computers work..."

"Not all of them."

"Huh?" I looked over to Emily, who was looking at a computer in the corner with Candy.

"This one won't unlock. It needs a password!"

"Hm..." Edmond thought.

"We also still have the backroom to explore..." George pointed out.

"You're right..."

"Well, why don't some of us try to figure out the password to this computer? I'll try my best to do so..." Suzy nodded.

"You have a point, Suz'. I'll go with you." Danny nodded.

"So I guess we're going to check out the back room?" Zoë asked.

"Mhm." I nodded, heading towards the door. Reaching my arm out to it, I slowly pushed on it, creaking as it swung away. We peaked in, my eyes noticing a small, wooden desk illuminated by a small ceiling light. All around it laid multiple scraps of old monitors, computers, telephones, the lot.

"...Oh. My. God." Edmond's jaw hung open, amazed at the sight.


"...This doesn't make much sense to me."

"Just think of the possibilities that could be made from these scraps...!"

"Why are there so many pieces of scrap just... Laying here?"

"There's only one other thing I can notice here, and that's the desk here. And besides it being splintered, I don't see much else..." Emily sighed.

"I guess that's... Everything in here?" I replied, looking at everyone else. They all nodded their heads slowly, as we turned to the door, exiting back into the main IT room.

"Welcome back!" Danny giggled, "What'ya find?"

"A lot of computer scraps. Oh, and a desk." Candy sighed, "I've no idea what it means..."

"Me neither..." I tilted my head to the side a bit, "Did you find anything that might represent a password?"

"Nah. Nothing." He shrugged.

"Dammit..." Zoë scoffed.

"Yeah... It seems like that computer will be locked for quite a while..." Suzy rubbed the back of head, "Maybe we should look in another room?"

"Sure. See you later Edmond!" George waved to the elephant in green before leaving the room.

"Yeah... See you later on." I smiled, leaving the room with Danny and Suzy right behind me.

"Now where should we go?"

"Hm..." I pulled out the handbook again, flipping it on gradually. Taking a look at the map, I realised that the only major rooms left were at the other end of the hallway.

"Let's check down there." I pointed down the hallway, away from the library. "The map says that there's a couple rooms down there..."

"Let's go then!"

"Hold on a minute... What's that there?" Suzy pointed at an opening in the wall on the left side.

"...Is that a staircase?" Danny ran up to it, reaching his paws to the opening, before jumping back a bit.

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