Chapter 2: Let's Play The Water!

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*Ding ding bong bing...*

"Goooood morning everyone! Time to get up, for yet another day of future blood to be shed!"


...This is it.

Today's the day.

It took me around 5-6 minutes to get ready, which is WAY quicker than my norm. One of the major reasons for this is because I didn't have a shower.

But hey, going swimming in a pool technically counts as some kind of bath, right?

Anyways, getting back on track. Once I had finished getting myself ready for the day, I straight up blasted myself out my dorm door. Deliberately crashing into Suzy's door right afterwards. Why I did so? No clue.

Soon, the door opened, the cute sheep's eyes landing upon my almost breathless body.

...Uhm...      N-Nevermind.

"Peppa? A-Are you ok?"

"...Yep. I just...     Uh...     W-Wanted to get a head start on preparing for the pool party?"

"...Heh, ok." Suzy smiled, grabbing underneath my arms and yanking me back onto my feet. She then gave me a quick hug, before speaking once again.

"Well, we should probably get some breakfast. We can discuss a few more ideas for the party there."

"..." I nodded my head.

Trying to give a verbal reply would've be a bit difficult, considering how beautiful this lamb was.




(*Timeskip to breakfast*)

"Now then, I'm assuming that everyone got an invitation. Am I right? Great! So let us begin the meeting of adding on ideas!" Suzy proposed, raising herself at the round table of the homeroom. "Does anyone have any music ideas?"

"Rock." Richard grinned.

"Uh...    Don't you need a band to play rock?" Pedro started, "I mean, I can play ukulele, but-"

"But that's perfect!" The rabbit smiled, "It doesn't even have to be rock-and-roll rock, it can be pop rock, or alternate rock, or something like that."

"...When did you get this into rock music?" George raised an eyebrow.

"Since yesterday." Richard grinned once again, this time with more flare. George glanced away, before resting his head in his arms as Suzy agreed with Richard's suggestion.

Meanwhile, I was simply nodding along to everything. Staying in the moment, paying specific attention to the looks on everyone's faces.

...Three of those faces looked a bit...


Like something was wrong.

...But nothing's wrong.

Nothing will be wrong today.

...At least I hope so.


(*Another timeskip to the afternoon*)

...One o'clock two minutes, man the time has gone by quickly. Everyone else had been working on something to bring to the pool party, while I had done absolutely nothing. 

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