33 2 0

Peppa: Gerald...      Are you the killer?

Gerald: ...Really?

Peppa: Huh?

Gerald: Now I'm the one in the spotlight? Just because of a piece of fabric?

Freddy: I mean...    It does match your clothing the best...

Gerald: There's also Richard who wears dark blue! Anyone could've been wearing dark blue when they went to meet Delphine!

Rebecca: ...

Peppa: Hm...

Gerald: If you want to prove me as the culprit, then you're going to have to show more then a piece of fabric!

Peppa: Gerald has a point...       But there might be something that shows more evidence...

Peppa: If I just...    Alter something about what happened last night...

Peppa: ...Maybe I can catch him off guard.

) Nonstop debate (

- Rebecca's Alibi
- Book
- Dark Fabric

Gerald: Just because the fabric is dark blue...
(Rebecca's Alibi)

Gerald: It doesn't mean that I'm now your main suspect!
(Dark Fabric)

Freddy: There is a long way to go if we're considering Gerald...
(Dark Fabric)

Rebecca: Hm...
(Rebecca's Alibi)

Richard: Sis...? What is it?
(Rebecca's Alibi)

Rebecca: I just...     Thought that I had heard something last night...
(Rebecca's Alibi)

Gerald: Heard something? Let me guess, some footsteps or something?
[Rebecca's lack of alibi]

Peppa: I'll use this lie, to show the truth!...


Peppa: Gerald...    I don't think Rebecca heard footsteps.

Gerald: What?

Rebecca: Peppa...    What are you-

Peppa: If she didn't hear footsteps, then that means that the culprit either never came into the dorm hallway, or they were very quiet while coming into the hallway!

Gerald: Grh-!

Rebecca: But...    I did hear footsteps.

George: Huh...?

Kylie: So Peppa lied?!

Peppa: ...

Rebecca: If I think about it more though, it didn't sound like shoes. It sounded like...      Trotting. Like whoever was there had hooves.

Gerald: H-Hooves?

Candy: The killer went to see Delphine shoeless?

Edmond: There's a major difference between the sound of hooves and paws. Hooves are tough, so they'd make a noise. Paws however, are silent.

Gerald: So that means i-it's Richard! H-He has paws, right?

Emily: But Peppa was lying when she said that Rebecca didn't hear footsteps...

Freddy: So that means everyone who doesn't have hooves is innocent. Meaning...     it can't be me, Danny, Richard, Kylie, Rebecca, Edmond, Emily or Candy.

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