13 2 0

Zoë: So, Emily. What did you find out about the bar?

Emily: It's just the fact that it has...    Way more blood than where we found Danny's body. What's more, it's also where Wendy's gun was hidden.

Emily: I'm just wondering...     What it that's where Danny really died?

Rebecca: ...What?

Edmond: You make a good point, sis...     Danny's location of death was never mentioned in the playgroup file, so there's a pretty good chance that you're right.

Kylie: But if that's the case, then how did his body end up in his dorm?

George: ...They must've moved him to his dorm after killing him.

Kylie: Wh-What?!

Richard: ...I think George's onto something. 

George: Wait, really?

Richard: It's the only logical explanation, plus I'm pretty sure that there's some evidence that backs the theory up.

Richard: Anyone who's wandered through the library will know, right?

Peppa: Yeah...      Richard must be talking about...

Playgroup File 2
Glass Shards
Lack Of Blood
Wendy's Dorm
Bar Bloodstains
Broken Wine Bottle
(Blood Drips)
Bloody Patch Of Dirt
Weapon List
Missing Janitorial Key
Janitorial Closet Bloodstain
Locked Room Mystery

Peppa: I got it...!

Peppa: You're talking about the drips of blood running from the janitor's closet to Danny's room, right?

Richard: Sure am.

Rebecca: But...    Those drips don't reach all the way to the bar...

Emily: Well, maybe if we discuss a few more things about the bar...      We can find a reason as to why the drips don't go all the way there?

Kylie: Great idea! I'm also pretty certain that the body was moved, so maybe some other things hiding within the bar could explain how the culprit planned to move Danny's body!

Kylie: Or in the least, a little about Danny's final moments...

George: Ok then...       Let's see if we can make some sense out of the objects in there.

) Nonstop Debate (

- Bar Bloodstains
- Arrows
- Broken Wine Bottle
- Bullet Holes
- Teatowel

George: Starting off, we all know that Danny was killed by the gun hidden in the bar.
(Bar Bloodstains)

George: Now the only question is...       How did it go?

Rebecca: It must've happened quickly, because of how sudden the death was...

Edmond: Yeah...     But if that were the case, surely it'd needed to be planned ahead of time?
(Broken Wine Bottle)

Zoë: Either that, or it wasn't planned at all.
(Bullet Holes)

Zoë: What I mean is, it happened so fast that Danny couldn't react to it...
(Bullet Holes)

Peppa: No, that's wrong!


Peppa: Hold on a minute...     Maybe Danny did have the chance to try and fight back.

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