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Monopotato: Welcome everyone, to your first Playgroup Trial! I'll give you a recap on the ru-

Freddy: Yeah. Figure out who's the killer, once you've made a decision, vote for them, if it's right they'll get punished, if it's not then they can leave. Yada yada.

Monopotato: ...Thank you, Freddy, for stealing my quote. ANYWAY. Playgroup Trial 1! Commence!

Danny: Man...     Where do we even start?

Peppa: I guess...      With the bare basics. 

George: Yeah. Delphine was killed in the library, at nighttime. The file proves that.

Kylie: That's understandable...    What now?

Freddy: I say we discuss why Delphine was killed in the night, and what reason she had to go out there.

Danny: Sounds good...    Has anyone got any ideas?

) Nonstop debate (

- Suzy's Alibi
- Letter
- Bloodied Scalpel

Danny: Does anyone know what Delphine could've been doing in the night?
(Suzy's Alibi)

Freddy: My best guess would be that she wanted to do something with someone...
(Suzy's Alibi)

Gerald: But...    What would prompt her to think that someone wouldn't be in their dorm during nighttime?
(Suzy's Alibi)

Pedro: It depends. Maybe she was just bored?

Emily: If she was...      Then that means she decided to leave her dorm without the intention of seeing anyone...

Peppa: No, that's wrong!


Emily: Huh?

Peppa: Delphine did intend to see someone. 

Edmond: What makes you so sure...?

Peppa: While we were investigating, Freddy found a letter in the dorm hallway. It was indicating a brief meeting in the library about something that the writer of the letter found.

Freddy: Mhm. And, there were a few French words here and there in it. There's no doubt it wouldn't have been for Delphine. 

Edmond: Aha. So she was lured out. Understandable...

George: So...    What now? Do we continue the order of events that occurred after Delphine got the letter?

Candy: I guess.

Richard: ...So, after Delphine got the letter from the culprit, she headed to the library to meet them, where she...      Got murdered? It can't be THAT simple...

Peppa: Yeah...     There has to be something explaining what occurred...

Suzy: She...      Might've been surprise attacked! 

Rebecca: I don't think that's it...

Pedro: Well, how could it have been a surprise? Is there anything that proves it?

Candy: I say we discuss the scenario where Delphine was surprise attacked. Then we can test wether or not it was what happened.

Pedro: Very well then...     Suzy. The floor's yours.

) Nonstop debate (

- Injuries
- Book
- Ladder

Emily: So...     How could it have been a surprise?

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