11 2 0

Peppa: ...Candy.

Candy: Hm? What is it Peppa?

Peppa: ...Did you steal the key from Edmond?

Candy: ...What? What do you mean?

Peppa: I remember it from the pool party...      It was a little while before Edmond ran out.

Peppa: You and Emily were sitting right next to Edmond...

Candy: True...     But that also means that Emily is a suspect, no?

Richard: Well...     She did see Danny last, so...      I'm pretty sure that we can cross her off the list.

Pedro: Then is it true...? Did Candy...       Really kill Danny?

Emily: N-No! She couldn't have!

Pedro: And why is that?

Emily: I-I...     She just couldn't have!

Pedro: ...Really?

Emily: Yes!

Kylie: Maybe Peppa has a point...? There's got to be some evidence that can certify if Candy's guilty...

Edmond: Or if she's innocent...

Kylie: Good point...

Freddy: You know what? Enough of this, if Candy really is the killer then let me at her!

Rebecca: Hold on a minute Freddy...

Freddy: More like hold on a second!

Emily: This shouldn't be discussed!
Kylie: We still have a lot to discuss!
Freddy: There's nothing more to discuss!

))) Mass Panic Debate (((

- Danny's Handbook
- Pool Party
- Locked Room Mystery
-Leaving Order
- Missing Janitorial Key

Emily: This accusation is too loose, nothing proves it!
Kylie: We need to testify if this really is the truth!
Freddy: We don't need to talk any more! It's Candy and that's that!
(Danny's Handbook)

Pedro: Emily, calm down. Even I have standards.
Kylie: Did anyone notice Candy carrying a cardboard box earlier today?
Candy: Me sitting next to Edmond isn't enough to prove me as guilty.
(Pool Party)

Emily: No you don't! Ugh, that doesn't even matter!
Suzy: Uh...      I don't think so.
Freddy: Not yet! There's a lot more evidence that points you out as suspicious!
(Pool Party)

Emily: Maybe Edmond lost the key in a different way? Like, he dropped it?
Kylie: Ok...    Maybe someone saw her slipping a note under a door?
Candy: Oh yeah, yeah. Like what? The stain in the closet?
(Locked Room Mystery)

Emily: Dammit, wh-what am I saying?! Candy wouldn't have even known when Danny was in the bar!
Suzy: Nah, I think we were all barely awake at that time...
Freddy: NO! More like what you were doing during the pool party, or something!
(Leaving Order)

Peppa: I hear it...!

}}} BREAK {{{

Peppa: Actually, I'm pretty sure that Candy would've known when Danny went to the bar.

Emily: How?! HOW?!

Candy: Yeah, how could I Peppa? Huh?

Peppa: If I remember correctly, Candy left after Danny did. And if we bring up the note again...    That means she wouldn't need to wait for Danny to leave the party, if she already knew that Danny was heading there!

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